36 Days of Healthy Eating : Day 1&2

Today is actually day 2 of my journey to a healthier Me.

Along my journey I hope to help you make changes to improve your health as I make those same changes I hopes of becoming a better fit me. I do have to say I am NOT a nutritionist. I'm a personal trainer and runner and swimmer that's trying to live the life I advertise to others.

These first two days I've been doing intermittent fasting.

What is Intermittent Fasting?



These first two days were a great way to jumpstart my healthy eating habits.

**Day One ** was personally difficult because I had to start to break away from the habit of just eating whenever I wanted. I got slightly hangry and a little on edge, but I kept telling myself every time I wanted to eat while fasting "Dinner is going to be sooooo good, don't spoil it". I was right! Dinner was AMAZING!!!

We ate fried pickle chips for an appitizer, wings and sweet potato fries for my meal.

Day two was much easier. I drank my water when I thought I felt hungry and I planned out some great healthy options for breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next few days.

Tonight I took a healthier option for dinner. I decided to start the high protein meal for dinner tonight. Why wait till tomorrow?

We ate grilled chicken, Parmesan cauliflower steaks and green beans.


For the next 34 days I'm going to eat fruits for breakfast, vegetables for lunch and high protein meals for dinner.

Each day after dinner I will share my three meals with you, along with a Healthy piece of Information.

***Note to self:::I'm also going to know that every now and then it's okay to have a free meal. For example: I am going out to a Mexican restaurant Thursday night with a friend that's coming in town. I will eat my fruit and veggies for breakfast and lunch then yummy Nachos for dinner.

Thank you for following my Healthy Eating journey,

BE Healthy
BE Happy

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