5 Parts Of Chicken That Can Not Be Consumed To Away From Disease


Chicken cooking recipe is a favorite of many people. So do not be surprised if many people who like to buy or make their own chicken dishes. But please note that there are some parts of the chicken should not be consumed too often. Because the parts of this chicken is not good for the health of the body.



The following parts of the chicken that should not be consumed include:

Chicken skin

Can not be denied chicken skin recipe is favored by many people. Starting from chicken fried chicken dish to crispy chicken skin. But it turns out the chicken skin is not good for health.

The skin is part of the chicken body that is injected with hormones and antibiotics so that the remnants of chemicals are still contained in the chicken skin. In addition, also guided toxins are fat soluble in the chicken skin. When too often consume chicken skin at risk of obesity.

Chicken neck

Although not a favorite part of chicken neck recipes are also quite popular with the culinary connoisseurs. But you should avoid cooking and consuming chicken neck too often because this chicken section there are lymph nodes in the form of small bumps.

Lymph nodes function to protect the chickens from the seeds of disease that enter the chicken body. So this section there are many germs.

Chicken feet

Chicken chicken recipe recipe is also popular with many people. Starting from the chicken noodle claws, soto claw, until the claws dimsum is very delicious and make addictive. Ceker is one part of the body injected by chemicals for the process of breeding and growth of chickens. Chicken plugs can even cause the risk of cervical cancer, breast cancer, uterine cancer, and endometriosis, if taken excessively by women.

Chicken wings

Who does not like chicken wings? Part of this one chicken is a favorite of many people around the world both men and women, as well as children. But in fact chicken wings can cause tumors if consumed too much and often.

Because chicken wings are part of the hormone injected as the chicken grows. Even chicken wings can be injected hormone 4 times. So be careful when consuming chicken wing recipes.

Chicken's liver

Offal chicken should be avoided in the innards of chicken like liver, there are remnants of toxins that remember the liver function. If consuming too often chicken liver will be at risk of indigestion, increase levels of cholesterol and uric acid.

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