Ten facts everyone need to know about Care Homes (Before They All Close Down!).

At some point in our lives, we will all be faced with the inevitability of old age. Grey hairs and liver spots will also be accompanied by back ache, and the inability to walk. There are many people out there, who are unaware of the current state of the Care Home Industry...
Here are Ten Facts you may not know about Care Homes...

How did the world treat the Elderly before Care Homes?

Until the 19th century, there was no such thing as a Care Home. Elderly people who were unable to survive alone, would be housed in the same accommodation as the homeless or the mentally insane. The records of the earliest Care Home, originate from a women's Church group in Philadelphia, in 1823.

How much profit do Care Homes make?

The simple answer is, not that much... According to BBC Radio 4, a Care Home makes on average £17,000 per year, before tax. This low figure discourages investors from even dreaming about getting involved with the Care Home industry.

How many Care Homes are there in the UK?

There are roughly 20,000 Care Homes in the UK, holding roughly 450,000 elderly and disabled people . This is a significant figure, considering America has roughly 15,400 Care Homes in total. According to research by Radio 4, the population of british Care Homes, belong to 5,781 individual owners.

How many Care Homes have been closed?

In the UK, around 1000 Care Homes were closed between 2001 and 2011 (according to the last census). This could have been due to the fact, that some homes offer a wider range of care than others, preventing certain patients from residing in their local Care Home.

Whats the difference between a Nursing Home and a Care Home?

Nursing Homes are typically required to be supervised by registered Nurses, 24 hours a day, in order to cater for more serious conditions, like Motor Neurone disease and Muscular Dystrophy. Care Homes on the other hand, only require staff to have an NVQ of level 2 or 3, and do not require a full time nurse on site.

How much does it cost to live in a Care Home?

The average price of Care Home accommodation in the UK, costs between £471-£669 per week. A nursing home will typically charge between £624-£920 per week, in order to cater for more specific disabilities.

So Care Homes aren't free?

They can be, however, if you have more than £23,025 in the bank, your local council will refuse any help with payment towards residential care. If you own a house, eventually you may have to sell it, in order to pay for on going treatment.

Are Care Homes costing the country too much money?

In short, no... The price to keep an elderly individual in a hospital bed, is more costly than a standard Care Home. The exact figures are unclear, however a week in a hospital wing, may cost the NHS anywhere from £1000-£2000 per week (depending on the Patients specific needs).

What does the future hold for Care Homes?

Apparently, not a bright one... According to BBC 4, there will be roughly 5000 Care Homes estimated to close by 2019. This could mean that the remaining homes will become overcrowded, leaving less room for new residents who require special care.

What can WE do to help?

There are a few ways in which we can help to fight the closure of Care Homes in the UK…

Visit Fundraisers and Events-
A great way of helping your local Care Home, is to visit their fund raising events. Galas and summer Fates are usually held, to raise money for day trips and Entertainment.

Talk about Dementia and other such Diseases-
Already, celebrities like Seth Rogen and Christopher Eccleston, have made public appearances, in order to raise awareness of Dementia and Alzheimer's. The more we talk about it, the more people will understand the severities of the current Care Home Decline.

Sign Petitions-
With many homes closing down, it is important to help persuade the Government from taking drastic measures, by signing any Petition that protects the Rights of the Mentally Disabled or Elderly.

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