Ten Facts Everyone Need To Know About Dementia (Are Young People Immune?)

Contrary to popular belief, Dementia is not just a condition that affects the older generations. These misconceptions towards the illness, have left us all believing, that we are ‘safe’ from the cruelty of Dementia. However, we couldn't be further from the truth.

Here are ten facts, that you may not know about Dementia...

Whats the difference between Dementia and Alzheimer’s?

Dementia, is a term used by Doctors, to describe an umbrella of symptoms, that include memory loss, impaired judgement and the inability to talk. Alzheimer's is the name of just one disease, that is proven to trigger Dementia over a period of time. Huntington's and Lewy Body Disease, are just some of the many Dementia causing conditions that are known to date.

How old do you have to be, to have Dementia?

Well, no one really knows. The youngest reported case of Dementia, was of a 9 year old girl named Isobel. Even though it didn't take away her charming character, Dementia affected her speech; her memory, her physical strength and mainly her ability to think rationally. Although global figures are unclear, in the UK, there are over 42,000 people under the age of 55, who suffer with Dementia.

Can you die from Dementia?

Yes. Over time, Dementia can attack the body, leaving it vulnerable to conditions like Pneumonia (the most common cause of death, amongst Dementia victims). Another cause of Dementia death, is starvation. According to the daily mail, in the UK, there have been over 2,100 Dementia-related deaths in the past decade, caused by starvation or dehydration. The total number of deaths caused by Dementia are unknown, however, it is estimated that 60,000 people, die as a result of a ‘dementia- causing disease’, every year.

How do people acquired Dementia?

We don't have a clue. All we know, is that Dementia is caused by the loss of nerve cells, inside the brain. As more and more cells die, the brain begins to shrink as a result. These nerve cells cannot grow back, and because Dementia is a progressive disease, the affects of the illness become worse over time.
It has been argued, that Dementia is an inevitable part of old age and is not in fact a curable illness. However, most Dementia Charities believe that this statement is false, claiming the majority of elderly people live normal, ‘dementia free’ lives.

How many people have Dementia right now?

Allot! There are approximately 47.5 million people, across the planet, who are currently dealing with symptoms of Dementia. In America, over 5 million people are suffering with the Disease. Countries like China and India, are witnessing dramatic rises in Dementia cases. As of now, 58% percent of Dementia sufferers, live in developing counties. ‘Alzheimer's Disease international.com’ estimates this figure to rise to 68% by 2050.

So, why is Dementia becoming more Popular?

Simply, people are living longer, meaning there are more elderly people in the world, who are at risk of acquiring Dementia. According to ‘ADI.com’, there are roughly 9.9 million people, diagnosed with Dementia every year. Or if you want it in scarier terms, one person every 4 seconds...

Can Dementia be Cured?

Not yet... Although, there are a few cases where certain symptoms have been reduced or ‘slowed down’, as a result of treatment or medication. According to the NHS, Dementia Researchers may be years, or even decades away from finding a cure to ‘stop’ Dementia.
Gene Therapy (a method of removing ‘unhealthy’ genes from the patients cells) is a popular candidate to fight Dementia in the future. Other such ideas include ‘Stem sell procedures’ and ‘Dementia Vaccines’.

Is Dementia research well funded?

Apparently not. According to the NHS, Dementia Charities argue, that other Organizations (mainly for Cancer and Heart disease) are receiving the majority of funding towards research. The charity ‘Alzheimer's Society’, have pledged to spend over £100 million towards Dementia research in the coming years. The Charity's Director of studies, Doug Brown, said, that despite there being an increase in funding for Dementia, Charities are still being neglected by the government, proving it hard for scientists to make any real progress with research.

How much does Dementia, cost the world?

Quite a bit. From 2010 to 2015, the global costs of Dementia have increased from $604 billion (around £463 billion), to a whopping $818 billion (Roughly £627 billion). The increase in costs, have left Researchers frustrated, as they battle tirelessly against Dementia, without funding and without the ability to conduct large-scale testing... As the days pass us by, billions of dollars are being spent on dementia care, yet there is still no cure out there, that boasts the immediate potential to prevent Dementia.

Is there anything I can do, to stop it happening to me?

Yes. There are a few ways of lowering your chances of acquiring Dementia.

Eat healthy, live healthy-

Reducing the amount of salt and sugar in your diet, could potentially help. However, living a stress free life, surrounded by positive people (and good laughs), will probably do more good!

Exercise regularly-

According to the NHS, exercising regularly will make your blood and heart circulatory system more efficient. This will in turn, keep your blood pressure at a healthy level, giving you a slight upper hand, against Dementia.

Don't drink, Don't smoke (what do you do?)-

Again, your blood pressure is a concern when it comes to these perfectly legal activities.
Smoking can cause your arteries to narrow, where as Alcohol raises your cholesterol. (Both resulting in a dramatic rise in blood Pressure).

Lets be honest, there is no evidence suggesting that smoking and drinking causes Dementia. Nor is there any proof, confirming that an unhealthy diet, will give you Alzheimer's disease.

There is however, a serious lack of awareness when it comes to Dementia.
Now is the time to start telling friends and family about this cruel disease. Visit the links below, to gain a more detailed understanding, of Dementia as a whole...

Thank you for reading. Please take a look at my other posts, to learn more about the Musical therapy sessions I offer, for elderly and mentally ill patients.















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