Open Space (Part 20)

03nji8.jpg (A makeshift drive through at a local restaurant.)

The city starts phase three of economic reopening next week.

Every human, every American, everyone seems to have their own opinion of how to handle it.

The C.D.C., Fauci, the W.H.O., the President, Governors, and Mayors not only disagree with each other but disagree with their own previous statements, sometimes just days after making them.

In March, Fauci said masks won't help the public in a pandemic. (I can no longer find the clip on YouTube, which is somewhat creepy.)
Then he flopped on that.

Fauci has been in office since 1984.
Been there since Reagan's time.
Some say that's a good thing.
Some say that's a bad thing.

A couple weeks ago the W.H.O. said people without symptoms will not transmit the sickness. Wait, what?! That is why everything shut down, am I wrong? Then they flopped on that.

Medicines and treatments. Flip and flop. Masks and transmissions. Flip and flop.

Much debate. Inner and outer.

Look to our "belief trees" and our "action trees." What fruits come of them? Do we get closer and more connected at the end of the day? Are we more unified at the end of the day?
That is my hope and goal.
These leaders that divide, divide, divide us... It is time to vote them out of office.

What are the fruits?
What is the outcome?
Don't get spun by the emotion of it, I tell myself.
What are the fruits?

Be well.
(words and image are original)
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