When to drink water

When to drink water

How many older folks...

do you know that say they don't drink any water before going to bed as they would have to get up during the night?

But what if drinking a glass of water before going to bed would avoid stroke or heart attack?

A study by a Mayo Clinic cardiologist has determined that heart attacks can actually be triggered by dehydration.

But really, why do we need to urinate so frequently at night?

Blame it on Gravity

Yes gravity, it will hold water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (a reason legs swell).

But when you lie down and the lower body is level with the kidneys, the kidneys can then remove the water more easily. But since your body needs enough water to help flush the toxins out of your body we have this continuing struggle.

Timing is Vital

Drinking water at a certain times can maximize its effectiveness on your body, so here are a few examples:

  • 2 glasses of water when you wake up, will help activate internal organs.
  • A glass of water 30 minutes prior to a meal will help digestion.
  • A glass of water before a bath will aid in lowering your blood pressure.
  • A glass of water before going to bed serves to avoid stroke or heart attack.
  • A glass of water at bed time will also help to prevent night time leg cramping.

The Debate

So can drinking water keep us healthy, or can drinking water at certain times is healthier!

The debate is on just like with so many other stories of the past. Stories like eggs are bad for you, then good for you, etc..

You see everybody is different, each has their own needs and natural physiological levels for maintenance and good health. General sweeping advice is often seen as gospel when first released... but the Vital Point is learn to know thyself!


You must invest the time, research and trial to know and forge the best balance for yourself.

We must begin to educate people on how to learn and maintain their personal levels of health and wellness.

Use common sense to attune yourself to and learn to LISTEN to your body.

Pass it on...


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credits: doctorshealthpress

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