Home Health: A Personal Experience with Black Mold with Prevention Tips - #3

Hey Welcome Back!

Today I wanted to give you some of my personal tips on what I had done in the past while I was exposed to black mold pretty much on a daily basis. It has to do with my diet. My thought was if I was able to strengthen myself from the inside there would be no opportunity for the mold to effect me. In general a healthier diet will be the foundation of a healthier life. The goal for me was to prevent me from developing a strong reaction or possible symptoms. There was an incorporation of dietary detox, low carb plant-base and even some paleo gluten free. All of which helped when I had worked with other hazardous materials in past.

This is my diet plan that I followed:

Low Carb Plant-based
Gluten Free

Detox with Seaweed

Whenever I suspect that I have been exposed to black mold the detox is my default. The Detox diet is designed to help your body quickly get rid of toxins. A key food to incorporate in your Detox diet is seaweed, it can be your choice in whether to consume this in a supplement pill form, raw form or in a drink. There are many different options available that can work with many different lifestyles.

Great Site on the benifits of Seaweed

Book Suggestion: Health Benefits of Seaweed


Seaweed works as a fish net in your system and once it is consumed it travels through your body catching the black mold toxins. Then the toxins and the leftover material from the seaweed travel back to your gut and is passed through with no other issues. This in turn will reduce the stress on your other organs like the kidneys and liver. Both of which have been working overtime to remove the toxins.

Low-Carb Plant-based


Now your body naturally has a microbiome of organisms. Some of those organisms are good, some are not good. Overall their purpose is to convert the food you eat into energy. Once you consume any type of high sugar, high carb food you are in a sense giving control of your body to the not so good organisms that live in your gut. Then they have the freedom to produce low quality energy. This can lead to the absorption of more toxins from your environment into your body.

Spy vs Spy

A great article on a healthy microbiome

Can We Eat Our Way To A Healthier Microbiome? It's Complicated

The best practice is to avoid all sources of sugar including honey, syrups, soda pops, candies and fruit juices. Then starve the overactive and over population of fungi, bacteria and yeast by eating foods like kale, spinach, parsley and broccoli. A good rule is to stay away from anything sweet until you are sure that you have your gut under control.


Paleo Diet


In my experience, meat is to be consumed only when I need to rapidly repair my body. For example, I sustained an injury and I want my body to rebuild the injured area quickly without needing to wait for the gut to slowly digest plants based food.

Just remember that the more processed your food source the more of a chance you are giving to the not so good organisms in your gut to run wild.

Gluten Free

Gluten Free

Courtessy of the BBC

Some of best prepared food out there is also inundated with gluten. Gluten is a protein that is developed by grains such as wheat, barley and rye. People with celiac disease are allergic to gluten and the by consuming it they actually cause damage to their intestines.

Gluten also activates those same not so good organisms in the body. This can have a similar effect as sugar and can cause free radical toxins to run havoc on your body.

There you have it folks. My person information on what I did to my diet in order to prevent the negative effects of working in close contact with black mold.

enter image description here

I was working around the stuff for weeks a couple years ago and didn't want to take any chances with my health. Hopefully you found this three part series insightful and informative.

I enjoy reading what you've got to say. Please leave your comments.

Stay Safe Everyone





Health Benefits of Seaweed

Hi here's a brief bio: I live in the Yosemite area and work in the Environmental Industry. I'm interested in health, better living and Sci-Fi. (TNG RULES!). Check my Intruduction Post

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Home Health: A Personal Experience with Black Mold with Prevention Tips - #1

Home Health: A Personal Experience with Black Mold with Prevention Tips - #2

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