A lot of us will work out so hard and for so long hoping to lose weight. We'll deny ourselves of our favorite foods, we'll pass on that delicious buttery roll, and when desert comes around we say we're full when we know we want some cheesecake.

I don't know about you...but for me, that's no way to live. Life is too short and I love food too much.

I stay pretty active and work out around 4 maybe 5 times per week. And I've found that all dieting does is make me sad and grumpy and too much cardio puts stress on the body and actually works against your weight loss goals.

TO BECOME A FAT BURNING MACHINE, I've found that two things work best.

1- Eat Smaller portions- I still eat pretty much what I want (within reason and with moderation) I just eat it all in smaller portions and I try to load up my plate with mostly protein.

2- High Intensity Short Interval exercise - Doing an hour of cardio early the gym or jogging 3 miles actually works against you also because you're overworking your body. THIS IS GREAT NEWS because now your workouts went from an hour to about 15 minutes. High intensity work outs turbo boost your metabolism and combined with a high protein diet you're body keeps burning fat even while you sleep!

That's why if I wanna eat a chicken burger at midnight I just eat it! ...because I know the next day I'm gonna sweat like a beast and go hard for a good 20 minutes. IF YOU'RE NOT WILLING TO BURN IT OFF DONT EAT IT. That's my mantra.

These are some awesome High Intensity Short Interval exercises (few examples) that will help you burn fat and keep burning fat!

-knee highs
-jump rope
-weight training
-sit ups
-sprinting fast for as long as possible then resting for a a good 30-45 seconds and sprinting again (do this three or four times)

Most importantly we need to matter how good your diet or work out routine, you will not see results if you don't get enough sleep. Try to get at least 7-8 hours every night.

High Intensity Short Interval work outs = Fat burning machine!!!

Thanks for reading

*Note- Please consult with a physician first before engaging in high intensity exercises. I'm not a doctor...just sharing what's worked for me. :)

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