Healing Forward Head Posture

I'm 43 years old and finally broke down from neck and shoulder: pain, swelling, and cramps. This often happened after sitting or standing and programming for long hours. I always knew I should have good posture but I never really figured out how to do it. I was advised: stand up straight, exercise, which basically means use will power. This did not work for me. It was a lot of effort for little to no results and no intricate way to measure progress.

Fortunately, I have found the best answer to date. I'm upright nearly 100% of the time and exerting almost no effort to do it. I'm getting fantastic results. The message is simple, but I suggest to really listen very carefully. If your going to pull it off you'll probably be repeating the advice in your head many times. So here it is:

Key take-away points are:

  • put the tail bone back and out
  • when the base is correct the spine stacks neatly allowing for a relaxed posture
  • again: keep tweaking lower posture until correct posture is achieved in a relaxed position

Now this is for me.. Get the foundation right and the maintenance cost is near zero. This means I rarely use the backs of chairs now, I'm often sitting on the front edge of the seat. This is not a big deal since I'm using very little effort to do this and I constantly tweak my position to make it easier. Now that I know what I need, I will over time get better furniture.

Another important thing to consider is how many things can go wrong when the posture is off. I was starting to have heart arrhythmia as a symptom. That is a real wake-up call. I quickly ruled out Kratom (lol, recently started this new wonder plant for pleasure) and linked it instead to posture (thanks John Bergman on YouTube).

Arrhythmia is kind of specific to my case, so here is a more generalized video of what you can expect to experience from bad posture. Hats off to Dr Mandell for briefly (at the end) pointing out the psychopathic tendencies of traditional medicine to basically medicate humans for the purpose of extracting money and leave us with degenerative diseases. Makes me wonder if this had anything to do with the design of our child car seats (in the video above).

Finally, restore the curves during sleep.. This is very powerful stuff.. I recently had a wonder experience in Mexico attending several plant based medicine ceremonies. I brought a sleeping bag and on the carpet used pillows and towel roles to support my lymphatic curves. It really makes a big difference and occasionally a hard bed can make this more pronounced. Sleeping in my regular bed, I come on and off the towel roles during the night and basically do what feels good.

Hope this helps you! We are very lucky to have global access to knowledge, take advantage of it.. Use your TV like a computer screen and load up on knowledge like this. If your still suspicious, we need to be honest and overcome fear first. I was defiantly tricked so I did not seek this knowledge for some time. My standard American education and culture was enough to leave me literately falling apart by my 40s and feeling afraid to seek non-standard changes.. So, I suggest to question everything and be very open to changes. Fortunately is also my experience that we can heal and even re-generate a lot faster and more completely than we may realize. There is never an age that I consider too old for healing.

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