Introduction to the Spooky2 Rife machine

Recently my partner & I made the crucial life changing decision to purchase our own Rife machine. I had wanted one for quite a while since I was introduced to my friend ColloidalSilverGuy, who has his own Rife machine & offers to scan people in his home. I have done several sessions with him & I spent a 4 day period two years ago rifing myself with every single possible frequency when I had the opportunity to borrow his Rife machine for a Geoengineering seminar I did with a friend in St Johns. I have been really impressed with the technology but was unimpressed with having to save up $1000. During our last visit with Joe, he showed us the latest and greatest personal rife machine that anyone can afford to own.

What is a Rife machine, you ask? A Rife machine uses sound frequencies to kill pathogens or heal the body from the destruction caused by dis-ease. Royal Rife invented a microscope that combined with a sound frequency machine, could be used to isolate different pathogens. After identifying each one based on the color of their frequency, he was able to come up with a frequency list for each pathogen that could be used to destroy it. If you google Rife, there is of course a ton of misinformation displayed currently, as the FDA is under strict orders to try to take down any and all natural health practitioners and prevent the general public from getting their hands on the vital information that can save their life. One of the links I found from Dr Andrew Weil, a well-known doctor who is featured regularly in mainstream (that's part of the problem), says that Rife machines use radio waves and infrared technologies. I am not really sure who is coming up with this bogus information. Rife machines use sound frequencies - just like a woman singing opera who shatters a wine glass with her voice. Sound frequencies have the power to HEAL and KILL. All pathogens dead or alive give off a certain frequency. We are living in heart breaking times, as this is all being kept from you.

Let me introduce you to our Spooky2. For just $348, you too can own one. All you need is a computer with a USB port. And for that price, you can throw out your over-the-counter meds, chemical products, and most medicines, because you'll be able to keep yourself quite healthy by Rifing yourself whenever something comes up. The accessories that come with the Spooky2 allow you to do many things with it including: make nano colloidal silver (more potent, less wasted silver), use the Rife with direct contact - best used to kill a pathogen or to run a sweep program (for mold in a house, for example); it has a Bioscan feedback mode where you can hook someone up to the machine & your computer using a pulse reader & tens pads to deliver the frequencies and the Spooky2 will run a diagnostic scan, delivering a list of frequencies that correspond to a particular pathogen. It comes with hand paddles for direct contact treatments. One of the coolest features of the Spooky2 (and my favorite part) is that it can deliver frequencies to someone via REMOTE using Quantum Entanglement. Every single person has a unique DNA signature and the Spooky2 can read that. All you do is get a DNA sample from the person, this can be a fingernail, blood, or hair sample - blood samples last 5 days, fingernails 3-4 days, and hair lasts 2 days. Blood seems to be the most reliable. Dab it on a piece of paper and put it under the Spooky2 remote.

Say what?? Does that really work??! Well, I was really skeptical at first and then we got our chance to be proven wrong. My partner developed some mouth pain & a wisdom tooth popped through all of a sudden, causing severe pain, swelling and a fever. At midnight, the same day we had gotten the Spooky2 in the mail, I hopped out of bed and started my computer and the Spooky2. I loaded frequencies for toothache, tooth infection, dental foci, bacterial infections, staph, fever with infection, fever reduction, swelling, and a few others. Within 20 minutes of starting the scan, my partner was feeling relief. The next morning I discovered he had slept the entire night and felt well enough to go to work. I continued scanning throughout the day, which kept the swelling down & the pain at bay. 5 days of Rife dental treatments and everything was back to normal. Since giving up on Western medicine completely, this was a HUGE relief for us both! It definitely works!

The next step was to test the biofeedback scan. I hooked my partner up and started the scan. It took approximately 20 minutes to come up with a list of 50 frequency hits ranging from 100,000-200,000. All pathogens lie somewhere between the two. After getting the frequency list, I found a scalar calculator tool that allows me to input the Spooky2 frequencies and translate them into frequencies that I can look up on the Reverse Frequency CAFL list. After translating them, I know what we have to deal with. The hits showed the parasites that I thought would be present after doing my extensive research on the real cause of Diabetes & other dis-eases - blood, intestine, brain were all there, as well as molds, bacteria, a virus, chicken pox, staph, cold & flu, even a vaccine showed up on the list. Now that's impressive! After running the scan, we kept him connected and ran all 50 frequencies via the tens pads. There is little discomfort involved, if anything you can sometimes feel a tingling sensation underneath the pads. The treatment scan was successful, my partner definitely experienced some herxing, which is a detox reaction from frequency treatments, in the form of being super tired & feeling like he was getting a cold right after the treatment.

So it definitely works and we are super impressed! So grateful to have this new tool. It feels like we've been given the keys to the kingdom, when it comes to taking charge of your own health. I am determined to cure my partner of his diabetes so starting on the 4th, we are embarking on a complete lifestyle change, with making our blood alkaline, a raw food diet & getting my partner down as low as we can get him on his insulin levels. I am excited to do this with him, as I've been wanting to rid myself of parasites & other problems for a while now. I am slowly on the path to being a completely new person, having healed myself of so many problems that Western medicine had tried to convince me were incurable. I am so excited for the future of natural medicine!

We've started the detox program already & as I type this blog from a local Portland coffee shop, I am currently getting remotely Rifed. Pretty fricken awesome technology!! Stay tuned for more on how we are doing and when I come up with a protocol for diabetes! Thanks for reading! :)

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