Making Beyond Organic Wildcrafted Green Juice with the Children

Everyone in our ecovillage, including the children, lives intimately connected with the plants on our land. 

We alchemize our "waste" into soil to nourish them, and when the plants grow big and strong we eat them or use them for medicine! Plants have an incredible array of healthful compounds that support and benefit the human body, and we introduce our children to this reality from a very young age. It's a beautiful cycle of life that we deeply honor.

We eat delicious plants every single day. Salads are one of the best ways to enjoy fresh greens, but we also make a big batch of green juice every day to get a super dose of chlorophyll! 

Growing greens is an enjoyable process, and our daily harvest of them along with our wildcrafted greens yields a giant basket for juicing! We put at least 20 herbs & other superfoods in it, so it is very potent. 

Of course we involve the children every step of the way. They especially love to be part of making it! 

Because they get to be part of nurturing, harvesting, and juicing the plants, our children appreciate green juice and understand that it makes their bodies strong and healthy. Even though it has a very strong herby flavor, they drink it every day joyfully and without fuss. 

We share this information to show how great green juice is, but more importantly to share how capable and responsible children can be! 

They are totally able to make choices in their own best interest when they are empowered with the knowledge of how their choices affect their health. They will even celebrate the process as joyful play when they are encouraged to be involved! 

We invite you to consciously consider the values you demonstrate for children! They are naturally inclined to health and respect for nature!

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