Wearing a mask harms yourself and others

After viewing this video, please go to americasfrontlinedoctors.com to hear a growing number of medical professionals explain why wearing a mask doesn't stop covid-19, and is itself a serious health risk.

Choose platform to view video (18 minutes):

▶️ LBRY / Odysee

▶️ Bitchute

▶️ Pit of Hell


Prime Minister Trudeau urges city and provincial leaders to impose lockdowns

Alberta prepares "circuit-breaker" restrictions

Masks mandatory in all BC health care (including my chiro office)

Vancouver under de facto Martial Law

Cases rising and "red zone" lockdown may be coming for Interior Health (Okanagan region) any day

Handful of deaths will be used to justify intense lockdown

Proof masks do harm

America's Frontline Doctors on masks

Dr. Vernon Coleman - Masks Do More Harm Than Good (short ebook)

Listen to frontline medical professionals outside the mainstream payroll, listen to the actual research and data, listen to your gut. Wearing a mask does harm, both to yourself, and to society. Dare to think and act for yourself!

This virus is incredibly tiny, even among viruses, and it isn't stopped by fabric. Wearing a mask is NOT harm-free. I can't stop you from wearing one, but likewise, you can't force me to wear one.

Right NOW is the best time to stand up, and stand up we must!


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