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I Like Soft Rice Because Of My Eating Disability And Mouth Disfigurement


How To Cook Rice But This Is Not My Style

The best cooked rice is a fluffy one and not a very soft and not very hard that it will take you time to chew it. More than half of the enjoyment of eating rice is about its texture that is why even though brown rice is much healthier , people just prefers the bleached white rice because of its texture.

I like to cook rice because I am cooking it perfectly for my own preference. If you are cooking it with an aluminum pot or any pot whatsoever, you can shield it around with aluminum foil so that the heat would bounce to and from the pot thereby heating it all around.

It is good to do that when you are cooking outside where the post and the flames is constantly blown by the wind. Then after boiling the rice you would allow the water to settle and cover it and not disturbing it for around 30 minutes keeping in mind the low flame below the pot and then the shielding with aluminum technique to ensure a better coked rice without the use of expensive rice cooker.

Pro Tip: After rinsing, boil the rice until the water is no longer visible and after that cover and lower the heat to the lowest that your stove can do, do not take the lid off until 30 minutes and after that your rice will be cooked very well judging by the fact that it is fluffy and sticks together but for brown rice the cooking time is longer.

Pro Tip: Toasted rice at the bottom is also delicious to eat.

Pro Tip: Not all rice has the cooking time and water requirements.

Pro Tip: A good expensive rice cooker cooks better than ordinary ones.


I would like to buy a better rice cooker but my father as always destroys everything that I buy so I am through with buying appliances now and just buying the things for my immediate needs like my medicine and paying for my hospital bills.

Well I cannot cook anyway and also could not eat that much especially in this house so I can just forget about cooking although it was my passion to cook before I got all disabled and all these.

But if I would eat now I am preferring to have some very soft rice so that if I would chew it will not take much time to chew it because of my disability in chewing my food unlike if I would eat the rice that my parents cooks that I do not know if they are trying to save some cooking gas because of the texture of the rice. It adds to my already lost appetite and it causes me not to eat that well which explains my current physique.