Pussy Problems


Fatally Allergic To Cats

I Beat My Feline Fatality Allergy

Yes I once again proved my doctors wrong and listened to myself. I went from hospitalized due to touching a cat to owning my own. I do not suggest anyone else do what I did, because I could very well of killed myself. So do not try this yourself, but since I have new love in my life I want to share my story on how I beat my fatal allergy to cats.

Do Not Let Allergies Stop Love

So where do I start. I grew up with multiple cats, they kept running away on me, lol. I remember when they touched me I would break out in hives. I never told my mom about it because I wanted to keep them. I would sneeze nonstop but after some time the symptoms would go away. When the cat ran off as upset as I was my father got another one after a few months of mourning. The symptoms came back and it started all over again until the symptoms were non existent. My cat would even scratch me while playing and no hives at all. After multiple feline friends I noticed this pattern of an adjusting period. I had my last cat at the age of 16 and then girls came into play. School. Career.15+ years later, last summer, I walk in my apartment and I see a little cat begging for food. I felt so bad and he was so nice. Rubbing on my leg I decided to share my pulled pork sandwich with him, so I sat on the ground and I ate with him. After I said my good byes I walked into the apartment and boom my bottom lip puffed up like the nutty professor then the top lip. Then I started to have problems breathing. I ran to the emergency room where the doctor came to the conclusion that the cat almost killed me. He told me I would have to carry an epipen and to stay away from cats or anyone who owns one. Yes upset I was.This year I found my self alone in my new apartment after ending a relationship. I really wanted a pet, a dog would have been to much trouble because I have no one to walk him. Then I was looking at a sugar bear pocket pet, but the maintenance was also too high with me working 12 hours a day. My best choice was a cat, ok so I am allergic fatally allergic but I wanted a little buddy in my life. I started thinking back and remembered the allergy cycles with all the cats I have had and it got me thinking about it... a lot.During my contemplation time, one night me and two buddies were chillin in front of the house. As we were talking 3 baby cats came up to us with no momma cat. It was odd because neighborhood cats always run away. They approached us and started playing with our shoe laces and they did not leave. we waited 3 hours not touching them and still no mommy or daddy cat. We called it a night and walked in the house. We turned back to notice that they followed us in the house. Apparently we had an issue, what do we do with these cute babies.In the end I took one and we gave the two others away to friends who wanted a pet. This was the start of something I thought would kill me, but I fell in love with my baby and was determined. I named her Tesla after my favorite scientist.

How I Conquered The Impossible...

According to the doctors that is.

So it started, I slept with my baby even though I was told not to. Bathed her everyday because I noticed when after a couple of days the sneezing would get worse and the hives would be more abundant when she played with me. Yes we took showers together, funny thing is these days she jumps in the shower on her own while I am in there. You would think cats and water but she likes it. I drank ozonated water all day and night, normally I would just drink a glass in the morning but I felt like rocky in training.When I went to sleep at night I would have trouble breathing, and yes I know and have been called everything from stupid to being accused of having a death wish. I would take turmeric in pill for and pour more ozonated water with a spoon of apple cider vinegar. I would put the vinegar in my nostrils and at times take a swig and my breathing felt better. I would rub oregano oil on the hives and they would disappear in about an hour.I drank my Silver 3 times a day and rubbed coconut oil all over before bed. In the morning I would wash up then head to work while she played with my neighbors dog. This went on for the next 4 months, then I noticed it was better. No more hives, no more sneezing. She slept with me and I had no more itchy eyes. Apparently a tolerance can be built or just maybe I gained something I should of had in the first place.Oh and another amazing side effect I am no longer effected by seasonal allergies, years of taking Clariton and other doctor bull crap and they just disappeared. As far as I am concerned Tesla saved my life. Since Hurricane Sandy me and Tesla live in a new apartment with my best friend as my roommate. She gained an uncle and Tesla even gets a say in the girls I date. I hope you guys enjoyed this, until next time :)"Give everything a second thought, do not trust what the doctors tell you. DO THE RESEARCH !"

At First I Used

Ajika Organic Ginger Powder, 2-OunceHelps with reactions, to be used in emergencies. Buy Now North American Herb and Spice, Oreganol P73, 0.45-OunceUse this on hives at first. Later on you will notice hives only happen when she scratches you, eventually it stops all together. Buy Now 

My Little Baby - Tesla

This is my healthy little alley cat, I saved her from the street and she loves me for it. She likes to eat greens, surprising as that is. When I do my organic food shopping for my daily juicing she will sit there and chew on the kale. She eats organic meals most of the time even though the organic shop sells them for pretty dam expensive she is worth it. To save on money 3-4 times a week I will give her some raw meat that I ozonate and fortify with B vitamins. I also put some tourine and Himalayan salt in the mixture. I should create a lens for that process, maybe that should be the next. :)

Death Wish Poll

How many people woud attempt this knowing the risks. Please keep in mind I am not telling you to do this, at the time I was desperate for the love a friend and was feeling a bit crazy. Consult your physician bla bla bla.

What I Think Helped The Most - Oregano

What helped me the most for the first 3 to 6 months of allergy hell was Oregano. When I had trouble breathing I would put multiple drops in my mouth. It stings for about ten minutes but then I felt much better, breathing passages opened up and all was well. I also used it on the hives, it brought the swelling down and the hives would disappear in about 20 to 30 minutes.Giving Tesla a bath before bed helps the most, but if you have trouble breathing definitive go to the hospital do not do what I did. Oregano is the most amazing of all the tinctures I have, who knew the secret ingredient to my moms pasta sauce really does have magical powers. 

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