Mississippi Nurse Refuses to Stay Silent Any Longer -- Her own children are VACCINE INJURED!

"Vaccines are the greatest advancement in modern medicine"

... this is how Lauren, a Registered Mississippi nurse, used to think.

"I used to believe that the adverse effects were virtually non-existent ... until my own children were injured by vaccines." Lauren continues, "Almost every parent is Pro-Vaccine until it's their child that is harmed."

Lauren has decided that it is time to share her story and quit allowing the opinions of others to intimidate her into remaining silent.

CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO: https://www.facebook.com/lauren.tutor.7/videos/1605695789723187/

Lauren’s first child, was hospitalized for intussusception (Bowel Obstruction) a few weeks after receiving her rotavirus vaccine as an infant. Lauren still believed that the risks of the vaccines were worth the benefits, and she continued to vaccinate her children, but on a delayed schedule.

In 2015, she had to put her children in daycare, and in Mississippi, children are required to be up-to-date on vaccines to attend school or daycare. There are no religious or personal exemptions.

She gave all the children enough vaccines to be considered compliant.

Over the next few days, her 1-yr-old son had a fever that reached 104 degrees.

Over the next few weeks, the once happy little boy turned into a completely different kid.

At daycare, he would sit and stare into space.

He showed no interest in toys or other children.

He would cry inconsolably.

He continued to have fevers.

Mom knew that something wasn't right.

The doctor told her that he must have a virus.

Then the daycare called saying to come get her son because he was having inconsolable crying spells followed by falling asleep on the floor for several hours and that something wasn't right.

Again, the doctor said it was just a virus.

He screamed that entire night and the next day Lauren spent four hours trying to console him while he thrashed and flung his head back over and over.

He wouldn't eat.

He wouldn't interact.

Finally he was sent to the Children's Hospital. The baby's behaviour just got worse.

He was finally treated for ENCEPHALITIS (BRAIN SWELLING).

When she asked the doctors at a follow-up visit if the vaccines could have caused the encephalitis, they all agreed that it was very likely it was the vaccines.

Now watch the video to see Lauren show some ways that Vaccine-Injured people are routinely treated by the medical community; like their concerns are not legitimate; like they are crazy.


I, Canadian-Coconut, would like to thank Nurse Lauren for BRAVELY standing up and breaking her silence, to tell the world the truth about Vaccine Injury. In these past months, more and more people are telling their stories so that the truth can no longer be denied. This poor treatment of the vaccine injured family members is unacceptable. We have to stop bullying people for telling their own story. You can not tell someone that their own personal story is not true or not worthy to be heard.

I will continue to share more of these stories to help spread awareness.

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