EYE Signs revealing Serious Underlying Disease (#2 .Conjunctival SIGNS)

 Dear Friends,

I hope you enjoyed my previous blog on on how eyelid signs can tell you about your hidden health conditions.

 EYE Signs which can Signal Serious Underlying Disease (#1 . EYELID SIGNS)

Today I will be talking about similar signs- But this time -  from conjuntiva - regarding the various hidden health condition.

I hope you will enjoy reading and find this blog useful.



1.  Blood Shot Eyes or Sub Conjunctival Hemmorhage 

                                                                        Subconjunctival Hemorrhage (Credit)

This is basically collection of blood on the "White part of the eye" . It can be due to local cause- like trauma, excessive rubbing. But if spontaneous, it could mean something more sinister. 

It could mean you have undiagnosed hypertension. It would also reflect underlying blood diseases such as - Leukemia, Thrombocytopenia (low platelets), Anemia. 

What you should do:

  • Get your blood pressure checked.
  • Hematological Evaluation

2. Circumciliary congestion(Redness around your cornea)

Circumcililary congestion - Ciliary Flush.(Credit)

This usually signifies three things in eyes. Either a corneal pathology, glaucoma attack or uveitis. While the first two can be easily diagnosed and treated, Uveitis on the other hand is the most illusive eye condition.

Some of  conditions that can cause uveitis are so dangerous that they are often referred as Masquerade Syndromes.

These Inlude:

  1. Lymphoma
  2. Multiple Sclerosis
  3. Rheumatoid Arthritis
  5. Collagen Vascular Diease
  6. Infective causes such as - Cat Scratch, Lyme or Tuberculosis.

What you should do:

  • Do not neglect this sign. Visit an ophthalmologist immediately. These signs are found early in most diseases so you have the lead time. 

3.Conjuntival Sheen or microbubbles

Conjunctival Sheen (Credit)

Many ignore these sign thinking it is a fatty growth or is not vision threatening. But such lesions signify Tumors of the eyes - which can invade the eye ball and reach the brain and various part of the body via the nerves and blood stream.

If you see something like this in people who have recently had organ transplants or are being treated for condtions using immunospressants (Steroids, Antimetabolites - There are high chances that this could be a malignant lesion.

What you should do:

  • Do not neglect this sign. Visit an ophthalmologist immediately. These dieases can often be completed cured using local resection and "chemo drops" with high success rates. However, Later diseases will require the eye to be removed (enucleated) - that is even if the eye is seeing to prevent the disease from spreading. 

4.Conjunctival Dryness. 

Bitot's Spot (Credit)

These are the early signs of nutrition deficiency - Mainly Vitamin A. If not taken care of or unrecognized, they can further proceed to corneal ulcers and night blindness - which can result in permanent blindness.

However early treatment with simple as three capsules of Vitamin A can completely revert the disease. Although this treatment stops the disease from progression, the Bitot's spots remain permanently.

What you should do:

  • Visit an ophthalmologist immediately. Pregnancy and infancy are the most dangerous period . Get your Vitamin A capsules today.

5. Pigmentation / Neavus

Conjuntival Pigmentation/ Vascular lesion (Credit)

What might look like a normal looking mole/neavus in the conjunctiva could be hiding a deadly condition underneath. If its a pigmented lesion - and if it's ABCDE is increasing, I.e.  

A= Approx.size 





It could be something devastating.

Such lesions can be due to Malignant Melanoma or if vascular - can be Kaposi Sarcoma. The later is more commonly found in immuno-compromised patients .

What you should do:

  • Get a eye consultation. Early stages of Malignant melonoma has high survival rate . As for Kaposi, anti retroviral therapy or other modalities can be used.

You may also be Interested in my previous blog:

EYE Signs which can Signal Serious Underlying Disease (#1 . EYELID SIGNS)


  1. American Academy of Ophthalmology
  2. European Society of Ophthalmologist
  3. Duane's Ophthalmology

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