Valuable Content OR Beach Bum Pics?

To post valuable content or to post beach bum pics? I feel like I want to contribute only valuable content but my friend Tijo @thearcanebear is torn & thinks that I should embrace my feminine essence and use my booty to my advantage while posting valuable content. What does the Steemit Community think!?

My writers block today stems partly because I have terrible wifi & partly because, after my Access Bars session, I feel like sleeping for the next year to allow my mind, body, and soul the healing that it requires. I am no stranger to Reiki but Access Bars is a powerful form of energy healing. I highly recommend it to all beings of this planet. Today I was able to release so much stagnant energy that my dog even took notice. In the beginning of my session I broke out in uncontrollable laughter. After a couple minutes my mind started to wind down and I began focusing on welcoming the healing energy. And as the session progressed I noticed that I was being taken back to my early childhood memories and cleared of any stagnating energy or any energy that does not serve my Divine Life Purpose. I have an incredible peace of mind now and I feel so much more clarity. I have a bit of pain in my body on a daily basis from my encounter with black mold poisoning and following the session I noticed the level of pain significantly decreased. I have so much gratitude for the beautiful soul I am working with. The most overwhelming sensation is the extreme exhaustion crashing upon my body in waves that rival the power of the ocean. With that said I am going to highlight some info on it, post a beach pic, and then nap for the rest of the day.

Access Bars Info
Running The Bars™ is a simple, non–invasive, energy process where the facilitator lightly touches each point on the head to release the energy. Receiving this process (having your Bars run)usually leaves you with a sense of peace and space; and a feeling like there is more possibility open to you. This is an incredibly dynamic process that will not only leave you feeling refreshed and relaxed as if you have had a deep restful sleep, it can also change your life. When run on children before exams, it can have a dramatic effect on their grades. Pregnant women report that labor is much shorter and the birthing process is much easier when they have their bars run regularly. Many people report that it assists them in sleeping more soundly. What else is possible? (

Beach Bum

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