Health Care Reform and The Blockchain


I was asked an intriguing question on a different social media site: What would I like to do most when the COVID19 scare subsides.

I gave the question deep consideration and remembered a project that occupied the deepest recesses of my mind for several decades.

I would love to host or attend a meeting in which people discussed Free Market Health Care.

I worked programming computers to calculate insurance premiums for a state run insurance company (aka actuarial analysis). I repeat, the insurance company was owned by the state.

I worked closely with insurance auditors and realized that insurance industry is fundamentally flawed.

I gained access to insurance data from a variety of sources. Every source I encountered showed that insurance is fundamentally flawed.

After I left insurance, I began asking myself: If insurance is flawed, how would I rework the industry.

I feel comfortable with the following statement. If a group of people who believed in liberty entered a room and discussed the foundations of health care; that group would walk out of the room with a formula that challenged the insurance industry at a fundamental level.

The solution will incorporate some ideas from blockchain technology.

It would be possible to bill the meeting as a discussion of a blockchain based alternative to insurance.

After the meeting, it would be possible to create a blockchainish program. The core of the topic is the mathematics of funding health care.

I guess I need to add one little problem. I live in Utah.

No, I am not Mormon.

I really like the classical liberal ideas of the US Founders, Bastiat, Hayek and Von Mises. I prefer classical mathematics (Descartes, Newton, etc) to the modern mathematics of Bertrand Russell.

Utah is a lovely state. I would be happy to host the meeting in Utah. I could host the meeting in Park City which is a mountain resort or maybe Moab which is in a deep canyon.

I would be happy to travel. I'd drop everything and travel to a location for an opportunity to speak about free market health care reform.

The meeting I have planned is fairly simple. I have a two hour presentation about the nature of insurance. After deconstructing the insurance industry, I will present a business model for replacing the insurance industry.

I don't have much money. So, I can't pay people to attend a meeting. However, the meeting will conclude by a business structure that has the potential to replace the insurance industry.

Anyway, what is going to happen after the COVID19 crisis is that the radical left will try to use the crisis to impose single payer or nationalized medical care.

This would be a perfect opportunity for a group to present a free market alternative to insurance as the public at large is likely to realize that the lockdown was a government overreach.

Anyway, I would love to host or attend a meeting about free market health care reform. Attending such a meeting costs next to nothing and could have a tremendous impact on the world.

Come on world. We were forced into a lockdown by a broken health care system. Isn't anyone in this world interested in discussing ways to fix the problem?

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