
Coral reefs are a group of coral animals that are symbiotic with a type of algal plant called zooxanthellae. Coral reefs are included in the type of phylum Cnidaria class Anthozoa which has tentacles.

The Anthozoa class consists of two subclasses, namely Hexacorallia (or Zoantharia) and Octocorallia, both of which are distinguished by origin. Morphology and Physiology

Coral colonies are formed by thousands of small animals called polyps. In their simplest form, coral consists of a single polyp which has a tube-like body shape with a mouth that is located at the top and is surrounded by tentacles.

However, in most species, one individual coral polyp will develop into many individuals called colonies. These animals have a unique shape and various colors and can produce CaCO3. Coral reefs are a habitat for various species of marine plants, marine animals, and other unknown marine microorganisms.


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