OMG she's my loyal fan! đŸ˜± Part 1.


Dear readers, and also to that one particular reader that has been writing so many “fan-fictions” about me, you’re truly a devoted fan! LMAO And here’s my first and the last and THE LONGEST letter to you. Why first and the last? Because I will be too busy with my life after this unlike someone who has too much time in their hands. Hope you enjoy the ride.

This time I see you are using the word “INSECURE” and also “JEALOUSY”. Favorite words, huh? Why tho? Is it because you are also feeling insecure and jealous so you’d attack other people’s physical traits or characteristics or personalities just because you thought they have that same insecurities? Not everyone has the same traits, not everyone is like you, and not everyone is thinking the same like you! You thought I was full of jealousy? Can’t keep a man due to my jealousy? Are you for real? My standard in men is high that’s why I prefer to be single and childless till I meet the man of my dreams it doesn’t have to be with him tho, because being single is a choice, because I would rather be single than ending up divorced with a bunch of kids, or maybe worse, at least I didn’t get pregnant outside of wedlock and had to abort it, oops, did I struck a nerve there? Lol. God, It’s ridiculous that I have to justify myself to the likes of you, you’re no superior, you’re no better than anyone, you think you are, well what can I say, that’s what a narcissist would say and think about themselves, they are in love with themselves and worship their own reflections in their own delusional mind. The irony is, they’d never use that mirror to reflect on their own toxic behavior. lol.

Yes sure, you know him more and whatever, this is not a competition, only you think that this is a competition, what do you think this is? A beauty pageant contest? And you are the Miss universe?? Lmao. B!+ch please, a smelly, ugly and unfû₏xable old b!+ch like you had the audacity to compare yourself to me, the baby faced woman in her 30s lmao, jokes on you and don’t even get me started with why he had chosen to leave you, it’s all because of your toxic traits and how you had threatened him, and spread rumors, accusing him as an abuser (Damn, you pulled an Amber Heard there) and to smear his name and honor as a man because you can’t accept being rejected and can’t stand that he is happy now and I’m so glad that he finally left your nasty a$$ personality. Don’t blame me cuz you did it all that to yourself there. But with me, yes he had chosen to leave but only to chase his dreams and for a better future and I let him go and be at peace, if he has another woman in his life it’s fine, no man loves to be caged, and so do I. We are not the same.

Tsk tsk tskkk
 there you are playing the role of a mind reader and a manipulator as if you know me very well from inside out, you think you’re so smart and intuitive eh? Your so called analysis about me based on your zero ground assumption are probably a description about your own personality. It is obvious. Funny that you seriously predicted that I would be confronting him, demanding to know whether all the lies you’ve been writing are the truth, but what really happened was I totally didn’t bat an eye? Funny that when I didn’t respond to your provocative comments and fall for that trap set by you, you got bitter, huh, so who’s the manipulator now? Funny that you made an apologetic posts months ago and acting like you wanted to be friends but soon after that you showed your true colors on social media, like seriously, who wants to be friends with a manipulative narcissist? Just admit it, you just want to be friends with me so that you can manipulate your enemy, that’s your hidden agenda, just like how you manipulated his other exes, and they fell for that, poor girls! Keep it mind that Sun Tzu once have said, and I quoted "keep your friends close but keep your enemies closer" I see what you did there, lol. That explains why you have been approaching all the women in his past life, took their numbers while he was asleep (including me) to manipulate them and ganging up on him, and when I didn’t fall for your manipulations, so I’m the villain now, cool. Lmao
 you must be thinking I’m a trashy woman just like you, but sorry to break it up to you, I don’t even control who he wants to be friends with or be with and who he wants to celebrate his birthday with, or whoever birthdays that he’s celebrating with, nor that I care about who are his exes! We are far, so I’d just let him live his life and I live my life and grow and let see if fate decides whether we’ll be meeting or not in the future. No use of controlling things that can’t be controlled such as fate and the future and I believe and support that everyone has to follow their own “free will” something a control freak like you might not understand. Therefore I’m already at peace, we are not the same.


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