So much hate... and not the kind people usually fuss about

It worries me that so many people say they hate a person/character/group for their actions - instead of maybe loving them anyway, but being disappointed, or something. 😢

Regardless of religious beliefs, people are people. We're messy, we make mistakes... and because we have the ability to choose, that also means that we can change.

Not that everyone will, of course - you have to choose to do it, and even then, it might be hard... or for some details, maybe even impossible. (I won't claim this is the case for a lot of things, but there's PLENTY of evidence that stuff like introversion really is in-born and can't be changed, no matter how hard people try.)

Still, it bothers me that so many people jump to hate, and are unwilling to consider forgiveness... or at least require you to act perfectly (according to their viewpoint) before even considering it. 😓 I said it to at least one commenter, but how would anyone like it if everyone was treated that way?

Personally, I hate it when people do things even close to that, to me... 😞

Please excuse the gap in posting. I've been meaning to post more, make some big posts, but I've been dealing with a lot. I might do smaller, and/or lighter stuff to help get the ball rolling.

Also: Titles can be hard. 😅 Add can tags.

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