. Introduction

Hello good people,this is my first post and i guess this is the part I share a bit about me
I go by the name Bisong Samson Asu(I know most of you will find that hard to pronounce) , I'm African and nigerian to be precise

Born on the 10th of february some years ago into a family of four.. As the first born you know how it is, I was overpampered and all until my adolescent stage

Growing up as a bright and brilliant kid I've always wanted to be a Rev. Father but life has a way twisting and reshaping us.. I finally grew up to be a physicist ,by that I Mean I play with Mathematical and nature
During my days in school I've been known to be so glued to my books but that didn't stop me from working on things I have passion for
I sing(hope one day my voice will be heard) and I don't joke with dancing..i dance professionally and I do it for fun20_FB_IMG_1517078872895.jpg

I'm partly an extrovert and partly introvert(funny right) I could be the life of the party and at the same time be the guy who sits at the corner pressing phone in a party hall.. Notwithstanding I love to go out, meet people. _

I currently have passion for video editing and photography and i pen down my thoughts most of the times..on this platform I'm hoping on meeting awesome people from all over the world.. Welcome to my world
I want to say a big thank you to @lordjames for introducing me to this platform and to my brother and friend @harryspeed17FB_IMG_1517078809816.jpg for pushing me to register without delay
Thank you from mister usen
See you at the top

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