Are We Gonna Have a Blackout?


Today it the day, the big and scary Hardfork 20.

There seems to be always a lot of commotion around hardforks, and I don't really get what is such a big deal. Sure, witnesses have a lot to do, and there is changes to some of the things like curation rewards period and account creation is made once again easier, I think. But nothing that major in my uneducated opinion.

To be honest, I haven't even looked into it that much, read the @steemitblog announcements about it, mostly skimming through to see if it might have any effect in me. And from what I gather, it won't be much. I'm not worried or concerned at all, and I'm doing this "professionally", so if I'm not worried, the recreational user shouldn't be either.

I think if you are a basic user, in any platform, you shouldn't be too concerned about updates. First of all, there is nothing you can do about it, and secondly, nobody is making you use a social platform. If you don't like it, GTFO. Steemit is of course a little different from the norm, being a somewhat decentralised social media platform, but at the end of the day the normal everyday user is just, a normal everyday user. You, me, we, don't matter that much, to be honest. It's a waste of time to bitch about it. Nobody guaranteed you fame and riches, and no hardfork will do that, nor will it take it away if you have it. Just roll with the bunched, or embrace the change, what ever comes.

The actual fundamentals behind Steemit, are not changing. Your Steem Power still matters, the same people you like (or dislike) will still be here, probably. After the initial adjusting period and a few possible blackouts of the site, it's all back to normal. Chill.

Change is inevitable, and staying still is a lot more dangerous. That is how websites die. And people. I've heard so many stories about old men, working really hard into their 70s, and when they retire, they die soon.

So relax about the hardfork, it'll be like ripping off a bandaid, it'll only hurt for a second. If the site if offline for a few hours, don't panic, it'll come back soon and you are better off having a little social media cleansing anyways. You just keep on doing you, post what you want, chat to who you want, make real meaningful connections. You'll be fine, we'll be fine.

Just my two cents about the hardfork. Happy forking day!

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