Thought Of The Day

# The Best You Give To The World, The Best Will Come To You.

Its just like echo. When you shout anything at the corner of a mountain or in a empty room you hear the same thing for 2-3 times. This is what actually happens in real life also. Actually whatever we do, whatever is our nature, the way we behave to others, the respect we give to other all decide our environment, our future, our friends and our luck. This is becoz when you behave rudely to other then others also behave you rudely, no polite person will intrested in talking with you. Same way when you help others and give others respect they also respect you. With your good works you make a good image in others eyes but with your bad works you only hated😡🔥 by others.

That's why...
Be good to others, otherwise you also face the bad ones...........busy

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