The Awkwardness Of Innocence

Shan Cai feeling awkward

When Innocence felt a bit awkward. Instead of being cool and proud about it the feeling was replaced with uneasiness. Do you remember being in that situation and how did you deal with it?

On this doodle that I made, Shan Cai the female lead is locked inside a room with the man he loves. Deep inside she is exploding upon realizing that this is how to be in love. Funny how she tried to stay cool and calm but the more she tried to the awkward she becomes. she kept saying random stuff and that look on her face the one I showed on my drawing is what captivated Dao Ming Si's heart.

Sometimes, the so called attraction is not only because of beautiful physical attributes or material things sometimes it could be because of little things just like that Innocence and awkwardness on Shan Cai's face. We could never tell what could be it. What's important is the true feelings the love and genuine desire to love a person.

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