Is It Worth It?

Xiaoyou dumbfounded

Sometimes we feel that we should go for it or regret later on. There is a big but though on that one last shot. Is it worth it in the long run or are you just thinking about the short term goal? Does it cost you more than the reward? So many questions to consider, so be cautious enough in making your decision to avoid bigger regrets later on. Going for it blindly is not the right move nor does doing it for the wrong reasons. The reason you have now might not be right or applicable anymore in the future. Common sense with a little advice from trusted people would help.

Is that right Xiaoyou? How does it feel being rejected now and how would it be like in the future? May it is a blessing or could be a curse. Nothing is certain and nothing is easy to discern.

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illustration is mine, inspired by meteorgarden 2018

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