How this starts...

A greeting community of steemit !! My name is Estefany Silva and today I decided to join this great community. I met steemit by an aunt who told me a lot about this site and I said why not? And well here I am, so I'll start talking a little about who I am ...
As I said at the beginning, my name is Estefany Silva, I am 18 years old, I live in Maracay, Aragua state, Venezuela. I am currently studying 6th year of technical secondary education, which will grant me the title of Technical Medium in Commerce and Administrative Services, Computer Science. In fact, I am just beginning the internship process that is essential to obtain this degree.

For me the most important person in this world is my mom, she is my engine, my light, my guide and my support, basically she gives me the necessary impulse to be able to reach everything I set out to do. Every achievement in my life is and will be dedicated to her ...

I study in the Cristo Rey school, in El Limón, Maracay. School where I have been studying since I was 4 years old and that without any doubt has given me the best and most beautiful experiences throughout my life and knowing that I am in the final stretch produces an immense nostalgia but I will remember my school stage as the best of all.
My motto of life, so to say is "Things are done well or not done," and it is because I have always been characterized by being a person who likes things well done, that has led me to be a person that is stressed more or less by everything (which I have learned to control), but yes. And the biggest example that I can give you of this is that with my studies I was always a super worried person, I was never leaving things for the last minute, and I always took the time that was necessary to finish everything I had pending in the best way, but as I say, already at 14 I felt overwhelmed and my best relief for stress was (and mingling being) crying ...

This stress ended in 4th year when I started with my specialty, which is Computing. No, I'm not a computer fan, but this specialty offered me subjects such as insurance theories, law, tourism and accounting. Adding their own subjects such as IT, information systems, operating systems, little by little I was grabbing love to my mention and that made me love her more and more every day ...
However, studying is something that I enjoy and it is one of my priorities. I'm thinking about studying public accounting, but things and life are so uncertain that I do not even really know what I'll end up doing. Apart from studying I like to use my free time to relax, listening to music (all kinds); I like to read it a lot from time to time, although for external reasons I have not done it for a long time. I take some time to read, even if it's a book I've already read 3 times and like music, I do not have a favorite genre, I like to read all kinds of things but if there are books that catch my attention without a doubt are the psychological novels.
And finally you have to know that there is nothing more that I like in this world than chocolate and coffee hahahaha
I hope to grow every day more in this beautiful community and to know some corners of it. Hello!

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