
What is luck? Is it a big House, a fast Car or a lot of money? I don´t think so. Your inner luck can be everything. The only one who can find out is you? But how?
ajjacksson blog hungry.jpg

Is there anything you cannot live without? I don´t mean your playstation or your car. Don´t be too attached to things.
Look. The system in what we live is created from humans. So how other humans know what is good for you, or how they know whats your inner luck?
They will never find out for you. It is something you must find out.

But how?

Always search a reason why you are doing things.

Example: I eat something because i am hungry. Or i eat something because it looks tasty and i want it.
In this example i do the same thing. But two different reason. The first is important, because when i am hungry i want to fill my stomach, right? And without eating the hunger goes into pain. Until dead!
The second reason why i eat something is not the hunger. It is because it looks tasty , or i saw this burger in TV or McDonalds have new offers...and so on.
The second reason why i eat something is because someone else sho it to me. ANd i want it also. Maybe i am not hungry but i must have it because i saw it. The second reason bring me also to dead. When i only eat more than i need to eat because others offer me this things, then i gain weight , loose healthyness and happines and finally dead.

What i mean in this example: The first reason is hunger.
Be hungry of something when you are doing it. Do what you love. It must be something that it give you pain when you cannot do it. Take your own decisions. Don´t let others fool you and rule your life. And when you do things what you love you can only be successfull. There is no other way.

The second reason, because someone else tell you what to do.
Don´t do everything what others tell you. Find your own inner hunger for that what you live. Everyone of us is a creator. A creator of our own life. Don´t copy things to find your happiness.

"That one who follow footprints doesen´t left their own footprints."

And the only reason you must have to do things is : Good feelings.

This is what you have to follow. Just your way of good feelings called: Happiness.!

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