10 Reasons Why It's Hard for a Smart Person to Be Happy

 Did you know that the most intelligent people are usually the least  happy individuals among us? If you can relate to most of the signs of a  smart person we’ve put together, you must have a high IQ, but might be  rather unhappy in life. Follow professional advice of leading experts in  psychology to transform your life in a positive way.  People with a high IQ continuously analyze the events of their lives.  Their findings are often full of fear and disappointment, with real  dilemmas constantly popping up in their heads. The habit of constant  overanalyzing leads to frequent reflections about life, death and the  meaning of existence. All this, in most cases, leads to depression. Try  to distract yourself from having negative thoughts and focus on the  positive. You can also try keeping a diary and writing about the things  you’re thankful for every single day. Anytime you’re feeling down, just  open it, and it'll put a smile on your face. According to scientists, socializing for highly intelligent people is  often a more painful experience than being alone. Find ways to make new  acquaintances whose company you genuinely enjoy and appreciate family  members who sincerely love you. A recent study has shown that, in their daily life, intellectuals make  just as many mistakes as everyone else! Scientist Igor Grossman of the  University of Waterloo suggests that such people should talk about their  problems in the third person in order to emotionally distance  themselves. This reduces bias and allows them to reach the most logical  conclusions. The assumption that every smart person is successful couldn’t be more  inaccurate. In fact, studies have shown that 85% of financial well-being  depends things such as individuality and the ability to communicate and  negotiate. No big brain or certain IQ number on that list.  

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