5 Easy Tips That Will Give You a Happier Life 😄

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Today I had a meaningful conversation with my mom about what I want in life. It comes to the conclusion that I just want to be happy. No matter what that includes, I want to make that happen.

Being happy is simple. But sometimes we think there are many factors that need to be added or things that need to be completed before one can fully be happy.

Therefore, I've gathered up 5 easy ways to be happier.

Wake up earlier 🌞

One thing that I don't particular like or do often is waking up early haha since I'm more of a night owl than an early bird. But at times that I do wake up early I never regret it. The sound of the birds in the morning and seeing the sun rising or just feeling the warmth of sunlight make me feel so alive. I also love it when I get so many things done and it's still morning, makes me feel productive and useful lol

Learn something new everyday

Doing something out of your routine and learning something new can broaden your perspectives in life. One gift we are given as human is the ability to learn. Even reading one article per day, or doing your very first yoga class can make you feel excited and consequently happier.

Be positive, hold back complaints

By complaining we are sending negative energy within us and to others. You might have noticed that people are more likely to want to listen to something fun and positive than complaints. Therefore, trying to stay positive and turning negative thoughts into positive ones will be healthier for you and people around you.

Buy some happiness 🌈

One thing I know for sure will make me happy is ice cream lol I love eating ice cream and it is something that can turn my world up side down. Happiness doesn't always mean money but if you can buy something that puts a smile on your face then why not 😉 It doesn't hurt to spoil yourself a little.

Say YAY really loud and jump

This is a weird one I know but trust me it works haha When I feel down about something or need a little push of confidence then this is my go-to energy/mood booster. You just simply have to just "yayyyyyy" "woo-hoo" or whatever while you smile and jump. The louder the better. This will fool your brain that you're happy and ready for whatever is going to happen and I promise you you'll actually feel that way. 😊

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I hope this 5 tips are useful for you :) I would really appreciate it if you resteem this post and if you get to try any of this, I would like to hear your thoughts on it especially the last one haha

Namwan @namwanny

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