HAPPINESS CONTEST 01 - My Baby Is Turning 3!

Tomorrow, my baby boy is going to turn 3 years old! He has been such a fun addition to our family! He usually is in a pretty good mood and happy. He has always been a mama's boy and I am totally fine with that!

Wearing his sister's doll glasses.

This boy was born at home in Texas on February 22 three years ago. He is our 4th son and our 5th child. His older siblings just love him and he loves them as well! He loves to tag along like he is as old as they are...and most of the time, he CAN keep up!


He still takes a nap, even though every day he says that he doesn't want to. It's obvious that he still does need a nap once 1:00 rolls around, though! This little guy has a million different faces, and he can make anyone smile!


Join me in wishing my little munchkin a Happy 3rd Birthday!! He is getting pretty excited about his day and trying to figure out what he wants to do. I'm sure eating pizza will be on the list and maybe some ice cream too!

Thanks to @zen-art for creating the Happiness Contest. Please be sure to read her post and join in!

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