World Government Summit in UAE puts Happiness First


Making happiness the cornerstone of good governance may still be a distant dream, but the recent effort by the 2018 World Government Summit held in Dubai in February 2018 to make global happiness a reality deserves a standing ovation.

By Kumar S.

The UAE 2018 World Government Summit, with happiness as a core motif, was organized amid a shadow of several global conflicts, natural disasters, the rise of nuclear proliferation, emergent diseases…the list just goes on.

Associating happiness with good governance may seem like a utopian ideal when considering the kind of geo-political powerplay, muscle flexing and Machiavellian-type narratives that fill our news feeds daily. The late US President John F Kennedy said in his 1961 inaugural address “For mankind holds in his mortal hands the ability to end all forms of human poverty, and all forms of human life”. While this statement was made in the context of the dangers associated with nuclear war during his administration, today, this comment continues to resonate.

As a hopeful counter-narrative, a global dialogue for inculcating happiness in governance was the top policy agenda of the summit. With a 193-country representative attendance, Leaders from around the world converged to discuss and compare best practices in governance at both an organisational and national level, with participating countries passing a resolution to adopt agreed practices in their day-to-day governance... read more, click here

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