NEED HELP ? FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS / / HAPPINESS is right around the Corner. Read and Be Encouraged

Do you ever get tired in life? Tired from your: job, school, your neighborhood, your "responsibilities", the people you hang around, those close to you? All of us have been tired at one point or another in our lives. Many days for the vast majority of people on the planet seem like they are unhappy, and enduring life to the bitter end. More focus goes toward getting through the day without having a headache then what we as humanity desire the most. What is this desire? Happiness and fulfillment in life.mot1.jpg

Happiness is defined by Websters Dictionary as "good fortune : prosperity a happiness, 2a : a state of well-being and contentment : joy : a pleasurable or satisfying experience I wish you every happiness in life."

Why are so many people unhappy? This is the question that needs to be pursued. The answer? People are unhappy because they feel bogged down with life. People were made to be on the go, seeking new experiences in life, not just a dull, simple, boring existence. How can we change our life to fall into line with happiness you ask? This is simple. You don't have to start out by jumping into a lifestyle you thought you always wanted. NO. Just start out small. Starting out means actually verbalizing your dreams and desires with those around you that care about you, and whom you know will listen. mot2.jpg

After telling your loved one your desires begin to take charge of your own life again, like you did in the past. Say for instance you drive a delivery truck and feel like you have no time to do anything else, let alone spend time with your family. If your desire is to go to real estate school, then look into it and sign up for 1 simple introductory course (not online). When you begin your course you are with other students that took initiative like you did. You will be able to relate to these individuals which will bring about a change of attitude. Suddenly you will find yourself saying "I Can" and "I will". Peers, or in other cases, people who have similar interests are encouraged when around like minds. This is infectious and you in turn become excited about the possibilities that are in front of your door step. mot3.png

Its all about the mind. You take control of your thoughts. Don't let your thoughts control you. If you say "I can't do that" everyday, then chances are you probably won't. Begin to say "I Can" and you will start to believe what you are saying is true. Take Charge. Do you think Bill Gates ever said "I can't"? I'm sure he did some, its human. After awhile Bill Gates believed in himself enough to take initiative and begin a little manufacturing plant out of his garage. Today he is one of the richest men in the World. mot4.png

How much is Bill Gates worth today? Here is a short quote from wikipedia telling us just how much he is worth

"William Henry Gates III is the co-founder of Microsoft and is an American business magnate, investor, author and philanthropist. In 1975, Gates and Paul Allen co-founded Microsoft, which became the world's largest PC software company. Wikipedia
Born: October 28, 1955 (age 61), Seattle, Washington, United States
Height: 1.77 m
Net worth: 88.7 billion USD (2017)" Forbes

That's right people. Today Gates is worth a staggering $88.7 BILLION Dollars. Do you think something like this is possible for you? You will never know unless you try, try, and try again. Find what you are good at and begin to do it. Start coming up with ideas on doing what you want to do at work, home, and walking around your neighborhood. Take a pad of paper with you and jot down your ideas and come up with a realistic plan that will give you an hour or two extra a day. You can then begin to implement your plan and strategy.

STEEMIT even falls into this category. Everyone of us are on Steemit with one goal in mind. We want our voices heard, and a little extra crypto on the side is always a good thing. if writing is your passion, write your heart out on Steemit. You will be amazed at the following you will get. I've found that Steemit is a very nice place to be. People are actually interested in what you have to say. This gives each of us encouragement to try other things that we have in mind for our lives. Encouragement is good medicine. Medicine for the soul. When a spouse, loved one, friend, or co-worker says you can't follow your dream of becoming a professional photographer, lawyer, nurse, doctor, musician, or whatever, then maybe you need to find another outlet. Someone that not only listens to you but encourages you to GO FOR IT. Follow those dreams you have had tucked away in your mind for years. We only have this one life. What will you do with yours? Will you live a boring non existent life or have hope, excitement, and passion in what you really want to do. mot5.jpg

Don't Worry. There are a lot of people out there in the World on YOUR SIDE. I've found a lot of them here on Steemit. Why don't you put out a article out describing what you really want to do in life. Many people will respond positively and will encourage you to give it a shot. Truly, Steemit can be, and is therapeutic.

Don't live out that boring non fulfilling existence you are currently in right now. Live out your dream by taking that first step that leads to your happiness and fulfillment in life. I say "GO FOR IT"!!!

KEEP STEEMING ALONG PEOPLE. We are in this together. Now get out there and truly begin to Follow Your Dreams!
Article by Tim Crowe (June 24, 2017)

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