The Bastiat Collection

The Bastiat Collection

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By: Jadyn Hanson

The Bastiat Collection is a collection of economic papers written by Frédéric Bastiat. Frédéric Bastiat was a French economist and writer who lived in the 19th century. He is known for his belief in the principles of free trade and individual liberty. He also presents the common idea of limited government. One of Bastiat’s most famous works is the “Petition of the Manufacturers of Candles, Waxlights, Lamps, Candlelights, Street Lamps, Snuffers, Extinguishers, and the Producers of Oil, Tallow, Resin, Alcohol, and, Generally, of Everything Connected.” (The Bastiat collection p. 227–232). This is a written petition from candle makers addressed to the French government. The Bastiat collection helped me gain an understanding of the government’s role in society.

The Candle Makers Petition

“The Candle Makers Petition” by Bastiat Frédéric is a humorous writing regarding the free Market argument. His petition was written in a tone of satire, and his argument stood against Adam Smith’s idea of mercantilism. Bastiat included the french lighting industry in his petition for protectionist tariffs. The appeasement of imported tariffs shows Bastiat’s favor of free markets. Bastiat wanted to illustrate the absurdity of the idea that the government should interfere with the natural forces of the market to protect industries. He states, “In sober earnestness, let me ask, is it not humiliating that the nineteenth century should make itself a laughingstock to future ages by such puerilities, practiced with such imperturbable gravity?” (Bastiat Frédéric. 2011, pg. 238). In my opinion, his petition is a brilliant piece of writing that remains relevant today. It effectively communicates the principles of free trade and the dangers of protectionism that may still be relevant today.


In Bastiat’s essay “Government,” he discusses the role of government in our society. He believes the primary purpose of government should be to protect the rights of individuals and ensure that they can engage in a civil exchange. Additionally, Bastiat goes on to explain what he believes the limitations of the government should be. I also agree that the role of government should be limited to providing essential services. Maintaining public order, enforcing contracts, and protecting citizens should be the primary purpose of our government. If the government becomes invasive in our society, we may see small losses of freedom. Without clear laws in place for our government, society will crumble.

The argumentative theory that Bastiat was arguing was: “For ourselves, we consider that Government is and ought to be nothing whatever but common force organized, not to be an instrument of oppression and mutual plunder among citizens; but, on the contrary, to secure to every one his own, and to cause justice and security to reign.”(Bastiat Frédéric. 2011, pg. 107). His basic argument against tariffs was that making people pay for something instead of using the free alternative is a waste of resources. The force of the tariff also allows domestic producers to survive against their natural competition. Bastiat discusses the arguments regarding tariffs, and the dangers or unorganized force. Through satire and research he showed how these may affect our society.

The Law

In “The Law,” Bastiat closely examines the role of law in society and its impact on citizens. One point he argues in his writing is that the law should be used to protect human rights rather than dilute them. He believes that the law is in place to promote justice and should not serve as a tool of oppression. “The Law has been perverted through the influence of two very different causes - naked greed and misconceived philanthropy.” (Bastiat Frédéric. The Law. 2011, pg. 52). I agree with the common idea and his viewpoint on justice. He argues that justice requires that people be given their natural rights and that these rights be respected and protected.

I believe the law should be used to only promote justice and ensure that people are not harmed by unfair laws. It is my personal opinion that the government has become more involved as time has progressed since this writing. Although these essays were written in the time of the 19th century, the ideas are still very prevalent in what we see today.

The Collection

Bastiat’s understanding of the role of government and its impact on the economy is a testament to his wisdom and foresight. Many of his ideas and thoughts around free trade and protectionism are still important today. The use of satire throughout these writing pieces helped further elaborate his positioning. Through his writing, I learned how too much Government intervention in the market can harm society. This can happen by delaying innovation, creating economic inefficiencies, and reducing overall prosperity. Bastiat has very compelling ideas; through these writings, one can see his favor for limited government and the dangers of state intervention.

References Bastiat Frédéric. (2011). Petition of the Manufacturers of Candles, Waxlights, Lamps, Candlelights, Street Lamps, Snuffers, Extinguishers, and the Producers of Oil, Tallow, Resin, Alcohol, and, Generally, of Everything Connected with Lighting. In The bastiat collection (pp. 227–232). essay, Ludwig von Mises Institute. Bastiat Frédéric. (2011). Government. In The bastiat collection (pp. 95–107). essay, Ludwig von Mises Institute. Bastiat Frédéric. (2011). The Law. In The bastiat collection (pp. 49–94). essay, Ludwig von Mises Institute.

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