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Last year was no entertainment during also be constructed in Nay Pyi Taw, March 13th the City Hall in Naypyitaw media said. "Field had last year, companies such as olives, the mayor plans to build a pavilion and entertainment. Pavilion Powered sports pavilion with water and then with the future I plan to," he said. To play the "traditional" "The Government of the ethnic community. Elders, in Nay Pyi Taw, in the next worker in Rakhine's traditional requirements VII round play can resume," he said. Most people capital "visit Dekkhinathiri zone has been performed within the last year, which will be rebuilt famous pavilion will include the pavilion also CE. "How much will the pavilion is now should not be any problem. They allow, depending on the permission," he said. matriculated in a restricted area near the school and arrested the driver of the weapons found by authorities on March 13, the opening action. In the morning, about 11 hours a day Padoh police station owned City Creek Village Creek Village group Padoh Police village governor and the party - - (a) to take the matriculation exam test security measures ahead to the other side of the creek from the village level off during school Sai (b) about Sai (B) more than Tun Tun Soe driving a motorcycle before school examinations held stick (outsiders) in plastic and bamboo are prohibited to enter in one or fled driven. Chaung 4 hunt Padoh road between bitter caught ES / (11) inches of bone dagger were models of crisis that it deems to be against the complainant. Padoh local police station (weapons) 111/18 in accordance with Section 19 (e) action to open in the last four consecutive failure only be able to install and endure the season still. This near-stream (11, 3) In the last four consecutive failure only be able to install and endure the season still. Especially and paradoxically, playing does not reduce the scoring rate. Atsuko K with nine consecutive games can rich. But near the relegation zone because of all abilities will get squeezing staying in position. Passion even more. Sam window Korea - Inter (Sunday, 6 in the evening) The unexpected Tony below 4-1 opening defeat to clear Sam window has been divided in Bulgaria. Sam window Korea since the end of December, however, moves at the plant to win home game formula. Inter Napoli play in water stressed. However, since mid-December can away rich. Team that often harm the barn Sam should choose a window Bulgaria. Wardrobe - Atlanta (Sun 3, 8) Closet trying out the drop zone at the last consecutive Reno 2-1 Hundreds of local competitors with the virus 1 season recovery. Atlanta out of the Italian Cup and the Europa after the pressure drop, but Bo longer growing season less. Also, many Atlanta Juventus played an improper away . Maternal risk your closet. Sabine Van-catalog (Sunday, 8 3) Serie A filler in the March level, but Van goal reduced. Inter, only lose a couple of games, three goals, the rapid rise. Basketball Napoli opening defeat Lazio 2-2 after playing the season because of recovery. I prefer to only casting. AC Milan-up of the virus (Sunday, 8 3) Europa home match against Arsenal unexpected opening defeat except when AC Milan can continue. Especially Serie seven and eight consecutive wins and the game Draw 'Fallen'. Losing thousands of viruses continue to get near the relegation zone while we reached the next situation. However, between AC Milan and thousands of virus season, having the advantage of a gap, as well as host the injury in AC Milan even more. Reno-(Sunday, 8 3) Only recently was defeated three consecutive able Reno season and can not believe what the score is. since February began to form stable. Juventus defeated Atlanta Draw.


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