Hand-lettering Contest | My Entry : Inhale Faith; Exhale Fear

"Inhale Faith, exhale fear"


I have a lot of favorite quotes but for my hand-lettering contest entry, I decided to make this instead because it was what I had apprehended during the service last Easter Sunday.

Although it is easier said than done, this quote is what I had been holding onto since I was a little kid. Growing up in a Christian family, I am thankful that my parents had instilled in me and my siblings how to have faith and be fearless. I remember back when I was still little, mama would ask me to recite Psalm 23 which talks about God being with me in every single event of my life. I had to recite that to myself whenever I feel afraid while walking in a dark road going home, when I am alone in a bus or when I don't know if I am doing the right thing. It has given me the power and strength to face whatever is making me feel scared or afraid.

Faith is having that complete belief that God exists even if I have not seen Him.

Being fearless means that everything that I fear about is just in the mind and I have to fight it. Also, my parents especially my mom had helped me in particular how to remain in faith and to pursue what's godly. It is indeed true the passage which states:

Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Both of my parents had also shown me how they trusted me. That even if I was still small, they allowed me to see the world fearlessly, they enabled me to travel with my relatives at age three going to Jolo, Sulu, to Zamboanga, to Bukidnon without their supervision. That when I went to college, I traversed the unfamiliar city of Cebu with my own, enrolled myself by my own and even went to this pre-college seminar, finding the location of my own. I was independent, it made me become adventurous and curious until this very day. I totally believe that is also the reason why I love to go out, see the different islands of the Philippines and just explore while able.

Unlike my college friends who had been closely monitored by their parents, I myself was never checked by my parents while studying away from them, not that they don't care about me, they would often time communicate through text messages. They had given me their complete trust not to mess up with my studies and I know I can't let them down. And just like any other good daughter would do, I had graduated and presented to them with my diploma, I owe to them everything. They are the reason why I am a strong woman, independent and fearless of what's ahead of me. In each circumstance, my parents had reminded me that whatever happens to them, they know someone who is bigger will take care of me, the heavens will guide my way and will love me more than how much they love me.


I wish not to provide any further details on how I made this but I was able to take photos and I don't want to just delete them so I'll just share a bit on the process.

I was watching a replay of the UAAP match between Ateneo Lady Eagles and Adamson Lady Falcons while I made the draft, I knew I am joining this contest but I was not sure yet on the piece. Eventually, while watching the game, this quote popped into my mind.


Sometimes, I tend to make a thick draft and that's what happened here. I kept on brushing my pencil into the paper, I had to stop myself. Also, I thought of not coloring it, of keeping it that way but the match was a five-setter and I have to busy myself while watching.


I grabbed a ZIG dual brush pen in red and started brushing through the paper. The paper is a Winsor and Newton brand and it has this shiny finish which causes the ink to slowly absorb. I had to wait for it to sink in before continuing with the next color.


I somehow regret that I was only using my mobile phone in documenting this, I normally set up my camera, capture a time-lapse while creating the piece but I was a bit lazy tonight. And see there's no proper lighting too! I was too close to the monitor!


I have to find a dark shade to cover up the pencil traces. I hate it when I erase pencil marks because there's a huge tendency of me messing up which indeed happened while I was erasing the Inhale letters, I somehow smudged the eraser into the red ink.


Finally, I was done with the piece. By the way, the volleyball match ended with Ateneo winning the game.

I pinned the quote into a cork board because I can't think of any other place to put it up and take a photo. For some reasons, I didn't have the energy to turn on my light lamps for better lighting. I hope the mobile phone photos captured those shadow shades well.

And oh, I didn't forget to erase those pencil traces, I just don't like erasing. So I just left them there. I hope those OC people out there won't notice it! Cheers guys!

Big thanks to @kyanzieuno for inviting me in her awesome contest. If you are also interested in this contest, feel free to check out the mechanics straight from her blog post below:

Hand-lettering Contest | Make your own hand-lettering artwork | Contest # 1


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