Hamilton is now on Disney+ but a shame that it remains historically inaccurate.


I saw "Hamilton" back in 2018 and now a movie version has been released on Disney+ which is essentially the theatre showed filmed and professionally edited. I liked it a lot - both stylistically and in terms of the message it conveyed. At the same time, there were a good many historical errors. Perhaps the most egregious is the "Hamilton as immigrant" theme, which portrays him as pro-immigrant, and exemplifying the virtues of immigration.

I thought "Hamilton 2020" was very impressive, and on the whole had a powerful and admirable message. I do, however, have some qualms about the "Hamilton as immigrant" theme that is repeatedly stressed throughout the show.

I'm an open borders advocate, so I very much sympathize with the motivation behind this. But it's still problematic for the following reasons:

  1. Hamilton's Caribbean origins were an important part of his background. But his "immigration" consisted of moving from one British imperial possession to another.

  2. Far more importantly, Hamilton's Federalist Party was actually the ANTI-immigrant party in the politics of the 1790s, a point the musical and movie completely ignores. They were the ones who passed the Alien Act of 1798, and initiated the trope (repeated by later nativist movements up to and including Donald Trump) of immigrants as a threat to American political institutions and values. Hamilton did not promote such claptrap to the same extent as many other Federalists, but he did indulge in anti-immigrant rhetoric during the election of 1800 and probably supported the Alien Act (even though he DID have reservations about the accompanying Sedition Act).

  3. The show's neglect of this history is a missed opportunity. The struggle against the Alien Act (led by Hamilton's political adversaries Jefferson and Madison, who denounced it as both unjust and unconstitutional) was a great triumph over nativism and led to over 70 years of virtually unrestricted immigration (as far as federal govt policy was concerned). In the end, the opponents were so successful that no one was actually deported under the Alien Friends Act. This triumph would have made a good sequence.

Celebrating Hamilton as a pro-immigration here is not much better than celebrating Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis as abolitionists or advocates of racial equality. The real champions of immigration in the politics of the 1790s were in fact Hamilton's political enemies, Jefferson and Madison. We can recognize that even if we also recognize that they were hypocrites when it comes to slavery.

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