halloween horror stories/ historias de terror Halloween 2019

halloween-2019_-origen-y-significado-655x368.jpgThe ghost swallow

Anita was a girl who believed strongly in the existence of ghosts and as Halloween approached or Halloween, she only wanted to go out to look for goodies, hoping to find a terrifying ghost to spend a good "scare." Needless to say, Anita was a lover of horror stories.

On the night of October 31, he disguised himself and with his friends he went to get many sweets and maybe ... any adventure? When she returned home, after dinner and taking off her costume, she looked for a good hiding place to store all the goodies she had collected, trying, of course, that no one saw her, because she didn't want to share them with anyone. He soon fell asleep. At midnight, a little noise woke her up, she poked her head over the sheets and what was her surprise to see that what was at the foot of her bed was nothing more and nothing less than ... a ghost!

All white, it floated. Anita watched closely and almost without breathing. Suddenly, the ghost disappeared from his sight with a noise of paper that wrinkles with his hands. In the morning he ran to tell his family what happened the night before. Her mother tried in vain to convince her that it would have been a dream, but Anita got her parents up with her to her room. Once there, Anita showed them where she had seen him ... and, oh, surprise!

His hiding place had been ransacked! They were no longer there their candies, nor their chocolates, nor their cookies, obtained with such effort the previous afternoon. Would it have been the ghost? Do ghosts eat chocolate and treats? Today ... 22 years later, Anita still does not know the answer, and scientists have not been able to confirm what a ghost's diet consists of. What Anita does know is that if she had shared her sweets with her parents and her brothers that day, she would not have run out of them, so ... this Halloween, share your sweets with whom you can, don't let the ghost ghost return and eat them!

Pedrito y la Luna llena

Pedrito tenía un miedo irracional a la Luna llena, desde siempre. Pensaba que podía caérsele encima, comérselo crudo con un poco de orégano, o algo peor. Ese martes era Halloween, y Pedrito quería salir a jugar con sus amigos, y disfrazarse… pero no podía: ¡era Luna llena! Finalmente sus amiguitos le convencieron, y él, reacio y muy, muy asustado, salió de casa en su busca. Al principio no dejaba de mirar a la Luna de reojo, pero luego se tranquilizó, y justo entonces, pasó.

La Luna se hizo más y más grande, le salieron ojos y una sonrisa terrorífica con dientes afilados. Cuando Pedrito la vio casi le da un patatús. Empezó a correr en dirección a su casa pero la Luna voló tras él hasta que, ¡zas!, le atrapó entre sus manos, y le dijo: “Pedrito, soy la Luna y hoy vas a ser mi cena”. Pedrito tartamudeaba y temblaba, llorando a mares con hipos y todo. La Luna, sorprendida ante el enorme susto de Pedrito, vio que tal vez la broma se le había ido de las manos… un poco. Relajó su redonda carita y le dijo: “Perdóname Pedrito, no tengas miedo, ¡yo no soy mala! Y no te voy a comer, es solo que como hoy es Halloween, yo también quería disfrazarme, como vosotros los niños. Pero no tienes que asustarte de mí, yo solo trabajo dando luz por la noche”.

La Luna soltó a Pedrito y le dio un empujoncito suave, despidiéndose con una tímida sonrisa. Pedrito, con los ojos como platos, empezó a caminar hacia casa. Y de pronto se dio cuenta de una cosa: ¡nunca más volvería a tenerle miedo a la Luna! El gran susto que había pasado le había servido para darse cuenta de que ella nunca le haría mal. Desde entonces, empezó a mirarla cada noche, despidiéndose de ella antes de acostarse, ¡aún hoy lo sigue haciendo!

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