Hello to all Halloween lovers!

First of all, I would like to thank all the participants of this contest because the level was really excellent!
You really gave the best of yourself to make these amazing makeups!

Unfortunately, I have to pick a big winner for each category and the choice is hard to make.

Fortunately, the Steemians are supportive and helped me in my choice.

I am happy to announce you the list of the winners of this MAKEUP CONTEST!!!!


💰 Prices 💰


1st place: 30 SBD

2nd place: 10 SBD

3rd place: 5 SBD

4th place: 5 SBD

The WINNER is: @hada !!!! (Participant nº6)

DEAR STEEMIANS! I'm finally here : Late, but sure.
Im very excited to participate in this great contest!

For this competition, I didnt do a make-up of a specific character ... I just sat down and began to put on makeup, and what you will see next, was the final result ...

Everything I used was products that I had at home. To make the "prosthesis" I used homemade scar wax (I mixed vaseline, and wheat flour).

Do you have any suggestions as a name for my final look?🙌


(This post has a video step by step, but I'm having problems with dtube to upload it)

You will receive 30 SBD within 12 hours on your wallet.

2nd PLACE for: @dreamsaboutcats (Participant nº5)

Hi there! Watch this timelapse video I made about my makeup look for this years Hallosteem Makeup Contest by @flamingirl


We ghouls don't know much about handwriting.

It was amazing to bring this character to life, I got inspiration from Monster High and viral makeup trends.


Just because you're undead doesn't mean you can't be fabulous.

To achieve this skintone I mixed loose powder green eyeshadow with a very fair foundation and blend it thoroughly on my face and neck. It is important to use a primer so the colors can fix better.


After setting it with more green powder, I made a sharp contour using gray eyeshadow. A cute zombie would definetely like blush and highlighter. For the eye makeup I used three different shades of purple and a little shimmer, dark and bold eyebrows, big lashes that resemble spider legs and, off course, black lips with a heart-shaped cupid's bow.

You will receive 10 SBD within 12 hours on your wallet.

3rd PLACE for: @meilynvb (Participant nº1)

Hola a toda la familia de Steemit!.

Primero que todo disculparme por mi foto de entrada, ya que me equivoque al escribir Halloween es vez de "Hallosteem".

Para mi maquillaje use varios materiales caseros, puesto a que aquí en mis país no se consiguen muchos materiales de maquillaje o cuentan excesivamente costosos, a continuación les cuento los que use:

  • Pinceles
  • Pega blanca
  • Algodon
  • Lapiz delineador de ojos
  • Pintura al frio (Rojo y Negro)
  • Secador de cabello
  • Tijera
  • Colorante para torta color rojo.

Mi maquillaje es una inspiracion de mi maquilladora favorita Karolina Griciute, la cual me encanta sus trabajos.

Gracias a Todos. En especial a @Flamingirl por hacer posible este concurso

A continuación les dejo un vídeo del
paso a paso de como realice mi maquillaje.

Que lo disfruten


You will receive 5 SBD within 12 hours on your wallet.

4th PLACE for: @dannodaniel (Participant nº2)

"My entry for the HALLOSTEEM MAKEUP CONTEST 2018 by @flamingirl".

Hola queridos amigos de Steemit, el día de hoy quiero hacer mi entrada para el concurso presentado por una usuaria muy conocida en Steemit @flamingirl . Como muy bien saben hace unos días fue Halloween o conocida en otros paises como Noche de Brujas y que mejor celebración que mostrar nuestro arte en esta maravillosa plataforma.

El concurso se basa en maquillaje y disfraz, puedes participar en ambos ó en el que mejor te desempeñes.

Mi inspiración en el maquillaje se basa en una calavera inspirada en el personaje "el diablo" de la película DC Comics "esquadron suicida", es algo siniestro el aura de este ser ideal para la noche de Brujas, es sencillo, practico y efectista. Solo necesitas pinturas y mucha paciencia. Recuerda que todo nos sirve de inspiración para realizar nuestras propias versiones, asi que puedes sentirte en libertad de hacer la tuya.

¡Manos a la obra!


  • Pintura al frio blanca
  • Pintura al frio Negra
  • Lapiz negro de ojos
  • Pinceles o brochas
  • Maquillaje; sobra de ojos negras y plateado.
  • Tijeras
  • Para cubrir el cabello gorros para aplicación de tintes, en mi caso use las bandas elásticas

Espero sea de su agrado

Aquí video del proceso

You will receive 5 SBD within 12 hours on your wallet.

A big THANK YOU to ALL the participants of this fabulous contest and see you soon for a NEW CONTEST...!


If you like contests, feel free to FOLLOW ME, UPVOTE and RESTEEM! It's always appreciated =D. Thank you all for your support and see you soon for a new flamingirl's adventures!

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