I got a haircut and beard trim for my beach trip


Feeling Fresh

A vacation is very much long overdue for me, I haven't been to the beach since June of 2020. It is a shame that I have been away from the crashing waves and sand for nearly one entire year. I have been working to the point of exhaustion all of 2020 and 2021. A lot of people decided to sit around and live off of handouts during this time, but the grind hasn't stopped for me. Often times I forget about the less important things, such as personal grooming. It's just far too easy for me to let the hair on my head and the beard that groweth go absolutely wild. Now that my first vacation of the year is finally about to start, I thought it was essential for me to go visit my local barber.

Since I have been living downtown for nearly 2 years now, I have been lucky enough to be able to walk just a block to a very nice barbershop called Tops Off. It's not one of those places that refuses to go to work on your beard either. I honestly can't believe there are still some barbershops that are requiring their denizens to wear a mask through their entire barber visit. That to me is appalling and would make me going to the barber pretty much pointless. Some places are easing up a bit on the strictness, but most are only letting you briefly take off your mask and then put it right back on. That whole process would just frustrate me, so I have avoided shops like that. Luckily I have found a place that has been willing to continue trimming my beard throughout this entire health craze. Never once has it been awkward or made me wish I hadn't went.

I have tried just about every barber at the shop, but I do like one more than the others. Usually it comes down to luck for me as to which barber I will get. I always go to the shop during my lunch break at work. Typically I am able to get a walk-in with whoever is available. I tried to do just that twice this week to no avail. I guess things are getting busy again since its summer and some people are starting to not be so timid to go out in public, I never was. I decided after my second try that I would simply make an appointment with Mike Chrislip and hope that I can get away from work in time to be prompt. I ended up having to move my cut up 15 minutes to accommodate things at work, but I was able to slide in yesterday and get cleaned up. Mike is my favorite barber at Tops Off, I never once have had nothing but great experiences and results with him.

I wanted to make sure that I had a shorter hairstyle to allow my time at the beach this week to become even better. I always get annoyed with having longer hair, especially when I'm in and out of the ocean all of the time. The same goes for my beard, although its nowhere near as bad as the top of my head. I had him take quite a bit off the top and a decent amount from my beard as well. I still have a beard that I am proud of, I believe it to be a defining feature of masculine men. I really don't see myself ever not having a beard. If you can grow it, why not show it?

Time to show it

I can only talk so much about a darn haircut. I might as well let you get a closer look. If you're still reading, you deserve a glance at how it all turned out. I think Mike did another fantastic job for me. He has me set and ready to go for my beach trip.











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I may be going on vacation, but don't let that fool you into thinking my posts will be coming to a hault. In fact, you can expect to see some of my best blogs. With the help of @flowerbaby, we are going to be doing so many awesome things in Florida. I will be sure to capture the best parts in the form of photographs, videos, and mental images that turn into my writing. Be sure to stick around and be on the lookout for more new content each day.


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