The Forth April Of

(I invite you to ignore, accept, or vacantly go along with the following grammatical, spelling, and other various errors)

It's altogether commonstance for those of a seasoned season or two to find theirselves here again; the vacuumous despondance of another tickity tock-around.

When I had a more youthfully zinging brain and eyeballs I figure it was of nay consequence. Today I present a discordant jig.

"I just wish you would be like you always used to be," she said.

As I've played Plinko with that statement within it has been established that there is a person who desires for me to be what they think I was. The scraggly scrapes of squeaking chalkboard fiasco give me the heebee jeebees.

Back to the point; in my experience if I've lodged lonesome long than mutating-face sinister subconscious (and perhaps other-realmly) rapscallion figures muck it up with funhouse mirror zeal! Keep your beaks in the air here's a haiku...


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