A Girl and Cloud - Haiku Poems

i look at her through
a lens constructed through clouds
as she disappears


as clouds disappear
on the horizon she walks
away from my lens


i photograph her
so that she can become real
as she disappears


i am left alone
only a mental keepsake
i cannot retain


she becomes the clouds
away on the horizon
too far from my touch


the clouds disappear
her essences dissipates
only an image

Postscriptum, Or A Water Accident on my Laptop

I sat outside working while we are camping and a droplet of water fell on my laptop. I immediately shut it down and blew cold air from my girlfriend’s hairdryer onto the keyboard where the droplet fell. It is a new laptop and cost me a lot of money, and there is so much on it that has not been backed up… That is a me problem I know. Hopefully, it will be fine as it was a very small amount of water but I am leaving it off over night. I am too scared to turn it on… So, I am posting through Ecency the app on my iPhone in keeping the last few days of the 365 HiveBuzz challenge. It is so close to the finish line and now this must happen. Such is life, I guess.

In any case, if you have seen anything different with my editing style of especially the first photograph that is the reason why.

I hope that you enjoyed the poems/haiku.

Keep well.

The writings and poems are my own, albeit inspired by the girl who disappears from my viewfinder when I try to photograph her. The photographs are my own, taken with my iPhone.

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