____ Who is obliged to observe fasting Ramadan ____
Praise be to Allah

It is obligatory to observe fasting on the condition that 5 conditions are available:

Firstly: If he is Muslim then he is Muslim
Secondly: If he is a Muqulf (on which the rule of Shari'ah applies)
Thirdly: If he is able to fast fast
Fourthly: If he is a detainee (Mukim)
Fifth: If the practice of prohibition of fasting was not found in it

It is obligatory to fast on these five conditions that are found in the person

(First condition: becoming Muslim)

An infidel person is excluded from the first condition; Fasting is not obligatory for a disbeliever, and if he does it, he will not be cleansed and if he accepts Islam, then he will not be ordered to pray those days.

Its document is the words of Allah:

) وما منعهم أن تقبل منهم نفقتهم إلآ أنهم كفروا بالله وبرسوله ولا يأتون ٱلصلوة إلا وهم كسالى ولا ينفقون إلا وهم كرهون 54 ([التوبة: 54]

"And it is absolutely tied to accepting their donation that they disbelieve in Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad) and they are present only in presence of laziness and they are only obliged and freely donated." [At-Tawwab: 54]
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And if the benefits of charity and charity are externally, they are not accepted for their unbelief, but specially 'the believers' (whose benefits are limited in personal matters) will not be accepted further.

If he accepts Islam, then it is the tafsir to earn his kadah, saying:

) قل للذين كفروا إن ينتهوا يغفر لهم ما قد سلف وإن يعودوا فقد مضت سنت ٱلأولين 38 ([الانفال: 38]

"Say to those who disbelieve, if they abide, then what is before them will be in Mercy." [Al-Anfal: 38]

And it has been proved from the Prophet (peace be upon him) that Tawatur (generation from generation to generation, series) has to prove that if any person accepts Islam, then he has to make the final decision.

If a disbeliever does not accept Islam, will he be punished in the Hereafter for leaving the fast?

Answer: Yes, he (the disbeliever) will be punished for leaving him (fasting), and all those obligations will also be convicted, because if the punishment of a Muslim is punished then a proudly disbeliever will be punished. Even more qualified. If a disbeliever is to enjoy Allah, such as food, drinks and clothes, it is more likely to be punished for doing forbidden things and leaving the Wajib. And this is the cabius

And it is from the Qur'an that it is said that Allah, on the right side of them, will say to the criminals (the infidels):

) ما سلككم في سقر 42 قالوا لم نك من ٱلمصلين 43 ولم نك نطعم ٱلمسكين 44 وكنا نخوض مع ٱلخآئضين 45 وكنا نكذب بيوم ٱلدين 46 ([المدثر: 42, 46]

"What do you have to enter Sakaar (the name of a hell)? They will say: We annihilated the Prayer, and we did not feed the mischief, and we criticized the critics, and we used to deny the Day of Judgment." [Al-Mudassir: 42] - 46] So these four things will put them in prison.

(1) "We have prayed to the doer", prayer
(2) "We did not feed the mischiefs", zakat;
(3) "And we criticize critics", for example, to taunt the revelation of Allah;
(4) "We deny the Day of Judgment"


Second condition: If he is a Muhlaffaf (Shariah), and the Muallafa is Bulig, 'Akbil (done with intelligence). The reason is that no taklif (shari'at rites) on small children and mad is not applicable

And there are three things that are found in Bullog (Balig). (To get the question no (20475))

And the opposite of Akbil is crazy, that is, the one who has lost the 'Akbal (intellect-conscience) is crazy, and therefore his' Akkal-intellect is lost from any direction, it is not muqallafaf, but it is obligatory for the obligations of the religion, There is no obligatory duty of prayer, fasting, it'am (feeding a misiqin) etc., that is, nothing is obligatory on him.
d and freely donated." [At-Tawwab: 54]
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The third condition is that it is not obligatory to fast on fasting and those who are unable to perform fasting, and the proof is that Allah's Word says:

) ومن كان مريضا أو على سفر فعدة من أيام أخر ([البقرة: 185]

"And in that sick or traveling, he will be doing the other day's khoba (kadha)." [Al-Baqarah: 185]

And the disability is divided into two categories: temporary and permanent.

(1) And temporary disability is mentioned in the preceding verse, such as the patient's recovery and the journey of Moses; It is permissible to not fast for these people, then it is obligatory for them to fast

(2) and permanent disability such as a patient whose health is not expected and the people of Eudhalal have been unable to fast, and it has been mentioned in the words of Allah-Allah:

Narrated from'Abd al-Aiz (R), he said (البقرة: 184)

"And those who are unable to observe fasting, they will give Fidahah (ie, a misery food)." [Al-Baqarah: 184]

This verse has been related by Ibn 'Abbas (radiallahu anhuma) to the tafsir -

"If the elderly and the aged, who have been very young, can not afford to fast

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