Lets Hack #1: Introduction

I have an idea that would be beneficial to the Steemit community.

I am not your typical hacker. I don't sit on a computer all day plotting the demise of any government, I could careless about UFO / alien cover ups, and I don't wear a hoodies. These are the typical stereotypes of a hacker.. I am none of those things.. I workout, I love contact sports, drinking, and very much an outgoing person. Don't let that show Mr.Robot fool you. Which I can't stand anymore. The hacks are real, but the back story just makes hackers look like EMO weaklings.

My Idea is to bring the hacks to you the Steemit community in an OJ Simpson Kinda way (If I would have done it.. I mean seriously who gets away with and then writes a book like that???) I'll teach you the different hacks, how it's done , and how to prevent them. I'll teach you about the Dark Web (sounds scary but its not) and other useful things..

Most Users think, oh I'm protected I have on (insert shitty anti-virus software name). No, you are not.. Hacking isn't like you see in the movies where it's a magic red button that says "hack" and some 20 something in a hoodie is all up in your shit starting nice fast live stream of your webcam .. .Yea okay, if they are using a VPN NO WAY IN HELL YOU GONNA GET 4K QUALITY Like that on a webcam stream... WHY YOU ALWAYS LIEN HOLLYWOOD?!?!?

My Tools

  • This is my baby. In this book, I have EVERY HACK I HAVE EVER FOUND, Nasty Batch File codes, and some nice everyday cheats for computers. I have a digital version that I share in Onenote also but this is my bible... I have a command in here so nasty.. It crashes anything that has IPV6 enabled FOR HOURS! It's the worse hack trick I ever seen and Very effective...

  • Bash Bunny - designed to quickly ulpoad payloads and run commands. I use it mainly out of convience.. Some useful commands like a Internet Explorer password grabber, Windows passwords... plug it in.... wait a few seconds.. and I got what I need. New commands are created for it constantly at github.

  • Wireless usb adapter - self explaining. With Virtual Machines I dont want to use my onboard computers wifi so this helps me with some hacking practice with my VM network.

  • USB Drive With Updated Kali Linux Distro - always keep one. Just in case . I can plug this in boot it up and run Kali Live. In and out fast and Quick!!

  • My Alienware Laptop that I use for personal use and the home of my Virtual Lab.

  • Old HP Laptop - I converted this to my "Hacking" computer. VPN ready, Tor enabled, I don't put anything personal on this. This is when shit gets REAL.


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