Why Voting Matters Beyond Representation: Authentic Poll Data

How many times have you heard “voting party lines” and decided to vote entirely Democrat or entirely Republican?
The narrative “vote party lines” predominantly hails from Republican political discussions because it encourages loyalty over research which encourages blindly voting for candidates that have yet been fully researched. The Democrats also peddle this message when polling data skews closer towards a Democratic victory, but typically the notion one-man-one-vote entails an essential component of researching into every candidate to make the most educated choice across the plane.

What does this do with voting?
Voting offers government agencies the most accurate form of poll data possible. As I was watching the results of the Virginia Governor and Let. Governor primary, I noticed the announcers consistently describe how the votes were important in comparison to the presidential candidates of 2016. The inverse reflection of this allows a possibility for candidates to use votes as political chips in primaries and the general election.

How does this work?
This is where Artificial Intelligence plays a key role in political barters. A candidate can use poll data to compare to voter data to decide how likely citizens of a certain country, region, or state are to change their minds in the election given a certain narrative to produce a particular message which can then be peddled onto social media and inflated through artificial accounts.

How does this influence voter turnout?
When understanding the constant calculations running through Artificial Intelligence, the greatest political message to instill doubt is that voting doesn’t influence outcomes, which can certainly be true for primaries and generals, but is entirely false on the smallest degree: state and local elections. There is two key political incorrectness that Donald J Trump peddled, with the unfortunate assistance of Former FBI Director James Comey.

Votes don’t count because the system is rigged.
Donald J Trump consistently peddled the message that votes no longer count because election fraud is rampant. Tremendous amounts of reports have shown that this is simply a factual error given only to manipulate democratic minds into three avenues of defeat: a. voting for Clinton is voting for rampant voter fraud b. voting with Trump is voting to solve voter fraud c. not voting is taking an effective stance against voter fraud.

Hilary Clinton is corrupt.
When FBI Director James Comey announced that Hilary Clinton was reckless with her email server, but the FBI found no criminal grounds to accuse her, Trump’s campaign used this message to instill voter doubt. Through the constant “Lock Her Up!” chanting Trump was able to blow extra smoke towards a burning fire. Through making a constant warfare with the mainstream media, a source of media that holds higher ethical standards through legal enforcement, Trump pushed trust towards online sources that couldn’t be entirely validated. Through using soundbites from James Comey, Trump was able to manipulate the announcement to create further FBI validation to the above two points.

Why does this matter?
This is essential because Trump’s message grew power within the notion he was an “outsider” when his political tithes actually started long ago and he has been carefully been entering the arena ever since the late 1990’s. The largest push against Trump came from his entire past of constant legal battles, constant offensive conduct, and constant LYING. Trump needed a “witch hunt” to be able to cover up the massive trouble he was in and the mainstream media added fuel to the fire because of the constant feud between Trump and the mainstream media. The only mainstream media that aided Trump was Fox News with subtle messages of doubt whether or not Trump’s past outweighs Clinton’s past. Fox New’s CEO Roger Ailes.

How does this work?
This is a typical tale of Clarence Darrow, a story of blowing smoke in order to distract the jury. As the tale suggests, when providing legal refusal the defendant chose to smoke a cigar with a wire holding up the ash. The defendant entered the courtroom with the awareness that all the evidence stacked against his favor, so he chose to light a cigar while on stand and keep puffing the cigar through the questioning period and slowly filling the courtroom with smoke until the entire room was packed so heavily with black air that the defendant quickly ran away.

How does Russia play into this?
I’m not going to try to connect the dots this time, I would rather present you the facts so that you can create your own analysis. Along the timeline of the campaign, Trump picked aides that had deep tithes with Russian officials and after the campaign, Trump chose cabinet officials that also had deep tithes with Russian officials. Russian hackers broke into Clinton’s email server to gain the many thousands of emails that created the doubt in the first place. Without releasing his tax returns, there is no official way to validate how much debt Trump owes Russian officials.

Putin already discussed in interviews that he doesn’t have the interest in America victors, mostly because he plays a game of doubt with American voters. Putin would benefit from a Clinton victory because he would be able to use the Clinton victory in 2018 senatorial elections to get more Republicans in office so that 2020 would be a victory in his favor. It just so happens to be, however, a Trump victory where arms deals have already been made to benefit Russia. In Jeff Session’s testimony, Republicans tried to defend this notion by explaining the deals came from

Why does this matter now more than ever?
This is a simple discussion of democracy where the people’s voices ought to be heard. Poll data showing support for Trump is so ridiculously low that it is even less than poll data when Nixon was involved with Watergate. American trust in their government is disastrously low and the support for impeaching Trump is higher than his job approval. America needs to impeach Trump, find every manner by which the Trump campaign colluded with Russia, and reset their faith in this nation, how this nation was created, and why the living constitution should be valued over petty politics.

What are the steps GOP members are taking to solve this distrust?
Paul Ryan is developing the strategy to call Trump stupid; the notion that he is “new” is the very notion that elected the candidate and the notion he is “new” should not be an excuse for Trump’s continued attacks on Twitter despite having Dan Scavino as Twitter manager. Calling Comey a “nut job” is an attack on his stature and long-time dedication to the FBI. Politics should reign in a degree of ethical professionalism that allows our representatives to make actual business deals with foreign nations that impact our nation’s well-being.

Is Hilary Clinton corrupt?
DOES IT MATTER? Clinton likely is corrupt and certainly accepted money from big donors like Goldman Sachs, but at least Clinton discloses her taxes so that she can prove there is no debt she owes anyone except her disclosed donors. Clinton’s corruption likely hailed from the same corruption that Trump used: voters through pledged support in exchange for cabinet positions. This is a practice all too common in politics and demeans the values of individual opinions because they can easily be broad stroked into gerrymandered districts where a candidate can then win elections despite massively losing support.

Why didn’t Bernie win?
Well, Bernie could’ve won the presidency because he carried the exact same populist message Trump carried with the same benefits that would have persuaded the exact same regions of America that Clinton lost to due to the constant narrative that the “Lock Her Up!” movement resounded within voter minds. Even with the “socialist” dogmatic stigma that Bernie faced, he ran a campaign that was entirely grassroots and he released his tax codes to prove that he wasn’t in the pocket of big donors. He carried the same essential platform that rode well within the necessary support.

Is the system rigged?
Yes, primarily because people decide not to vote. If you believe the system is rigged then you bought into the very Republican narrative that tells you voting is pointless which develops the greater message that voting only ought to be afforded to the real Americans that deserve to vote which gives Americans the false sense of entitlement that develops the exact degrees of privilege that fuels social justice warrior’s warrants as to why minorities are oppressed. It is in my earnest belief that the best possible solution to many problems this nation may or may not face hails from low voter turnout, voter disenfranchisement, and improper representation in government due to the above two.

How does one un-rig the election?
VOTE, VOTE, VOTE in every election and every primary and every general election. Do research into the candidates running; figure out whether you can fully support them; pledge support to candidates NOT parties, and stop complaining that the system is rigged when you have the power to unrig it. If there is a policy or law that you disagree with, then vote against it. If there is a policy or law you wish to support, then vote for it. When you see an attack ad on TV, call that candidate and demand them stop attacking candidates which create distrust in elections through waging negativity over positivity. If you didn’t vote then you have zero warrants as to why you should believe the election is rigged. If you didn’t vote in the primaries, then you have minimal warrants as to why you should believe the election was rigged. If you didn’t vote in state elections, then you have a Republican warrant as to why elections are rigged. If you voted in every election possible, then you have every warrant as to why the election was rigged.

P.S. If you are a Republican please give support to Joni Ernst so that America will finally break the glass ceiling in 2020. She is a proud Iowan that hailed from an honest, hard-working background, military service, and enough political experience, minus a committee or two, to be able to effectively lead this nation.

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