How did Russia "Hack" the election? The Story of Artificial Intelligent Warfare

Is artificial intelligence All Knowing? What is Artificial Intelligence? Does it have national titles?
Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is a computer entity that is self-learning based on input data. When the Cold War ended, a new form of warfare emerged between Russia and the United States. This warfare had predominantly been dominated by surveillance and counter-surveillance. In this manner, Russia has always held a stronghold over America. America is founded on principles of freedom, while Russia actively engages in tyranny. In that regard, American surveillance relies on the Fourth Amendment protection of privacy which extends to counter-surveillance measures. The United States, in accordance with standards established by FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) with extensions 702, cannot constitutionally monitor United States citizens.

How does this relate to the election?
Targeted advertisements: political advertisements. Neuroscience shows that humans make decisions based on two key influences: emotion and ration. Both of these factors can be manipulated through intelligent psychological attacks and monetized through active engagement. To understand how an Artificially Intelligent “agent of chaos” can manipulate decisions through combining psychological attacks with surveillance one must understand the rational choice theory.
What is the rational choice theory?

Rational choice theory is an economic theory that describes how an individual’s past influences future decisions. For example, one decision can be “is voting worth my time” which preexisting narratives that support Republican victories show that voting is not worth the time put into voting. You have a laundry list of reasons people inherently choose not to vote. Gerrymandering enables democratically chosen representatives to lose in areas that normally would flow towards Republican candidates and vice versa. Restrictions on voter registration and the fact that voting isn’t even a federal holiday explain why people choose not to vote because their priorities are shifted towards staying at home or not asking to leave work.

How does this theory work?
Imagine your decision to vote was set on a plane between -1, 0, and 1 where -1 is your absolute decision to stay home, 0 is your indifference in the decision, and 1 is your absolute decision to go vote. Every experience you held prior to voting added another infinitely small influence on the [-1…0…1] decision. Gerrymandering subtracts 0.01 from a decision so that if you originally were confused about voting, you now hold -0.1 influence on voting. A politician that “represents your beliefs” adds 0.1 to that decision. Collectively understanding these decisions runs the possibility for an undermining decision.

So how is Russia involved in this?
Russia commits an incredible amount of resources to hack into individuals private data through backdoor channels like cookies and open-ended loopholes within social media platforms’ API code. After gathering this data, Russia can employ social media “bots” or fake accounts to promote candidates that oppose a voter’s internet historical personality. If you are a mid-western rural family man that recently googled how to get healthcare, then a Russian Twitter account can promote “Trumpcare! The solutions you need to all your problems” while if you google Mexican immigration a Russian fake Twitter bot can promote “Hilary Clinton! Lover of Obama’s immigration immunity” which would cause distrust in both of these candidates. Twitter CEO already recognized that social media contributed heavily towards Trump’s victory. This is particularly evident when Trump personally fired Twitter attacks against Cable media, specifically calling “Mainstream media the enemy” which galvanized impressionable minds.

Target Advertisements Impede Election Results. How does this “hack” an election?
This doesn’t inherently hack an election as much as it enables the opportunity for Russia to undermine the notion of democracy through employing psychological doubt within voters. Ever since Nixon was implemented in the Watergate scandal, voters began to distrust government entities which enabled an increasing doubt within American minds. The average American citizen became less involved in politics and made decisions based on the notion that all politicians are corrupt. Voting no longer meant deciding upon the best possible representative, but the less-worse between two evils. As the role of social media played in politics, this narrative reached that 0 breaking point for many Americans. Trump campaigned on the notion of “Make America Great Again” which only accepted Russian targeted Twitter advertisements employing disbelief in “insider” politicians and emphasized the need for political “change”… you know, the change Obama used art magnate Andy Warhol style to employ a powerful hopeful message that won two terms. Obama ran on an advertisement of “change you can believe in” and Trump ran on an advertisement of Obama’s change is not real and I am the change you need to believe in which sparked enough interest in voters within states that Hilary never even considered she would lose.

Why does this matter? The election is over.
This matters more than ever because elections always are a clash between Republicans and Democrats. The Republican core message is “we are trustees, a select few elites that know more than the average citizen” which is why their platform encourages suppressing votes for minorities and prisoners. Meanwhile, the core belief within the Democratic party is one-person-one-vote where equal representation comes from equality by the people. This is why every single time a popular candidate loses to the electoral vote, the popular candidate has always been a Democrat. It is politically impossible for a Republican to win the popular vote and then lose the electoral battle. Their very existence is one that discourages voting through their practice, their platform, and their actions.

How does this affect me?
There are a plethora of issues and stances to support, however, I believe the overarching issue to stand behind is the decision between societal conservation or societal progression. As a long-time progressive, I believe this issue breaks down into three inherent stances with the awareness that time is limited and resources to pour into a cause is even more limited. Societal progression means the survival of the human race which requires three pivotal issues to be solved. The human race must become empathetic towards one another, the human race must cherish the Earth they live on, and the human race must strive to leave the Earth before the Earth faces impending destruction.

The first issue falls behind humans ability to become more tolerant for indifference. Discrimination hails from intolerance of difference and inability to change that tolerance. The highest form of discrimination comes from the continued patriarchy that oppresses female empowerment. Statistics show that the greater females are empowered, aggregate issues like overpopulation inherently begin to dwindle. Feminism would thereby the most important stance to support for societal progress. It is my earnest belief that higher levels of education also leads towards a growth in tolerance for alternative opinions. The more diverse an educational institution is, the quicker this destruction of intolerance occurs. Finally, I also strongly believe communication leads to more peaceful solutions to intolerance. Advocacy towards peace encourages a narrative of cooperation.

The second and third stances are the easiest to explain because the science has supported the following claims for an increasingly amount of time. An advocacy towards STEM empowers a desire for environmental solutions and an inspiration to reach towards the sky. As climate change becomes an increasing concern for worldly citizens, the clock to find effective solutions is slowly running out. Technological advancements towards a sustainable environment have proven to create more employment opportunities which drive aggregate poverty down. The same claim can be warranted towards space exploration endeavors; using the Apollo missions as an example, every penny the United States government invested into the mission, America sought seven cents through technological advancements known as “spin-offs” that are used in almost every aspect of life. To summarize the importance towards STEM advocacy, we simply need to get off this planet before we destroy this planet.

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