Learn to hack a newbie

Learn Hack Yuck! (1) - Basic Hacking Concepts

On one occasion, I once saw a network security auditor perform a penetration test (pen-test) on an IT system. Out of curiosity I see a little way penetration test is done. At that time I did not know much what tools were used, which I know he uses tcpdump to analyze what packets pass, then to scan multiple hosts using Nessus. There is one application that is used web-based there is a collection of multiple exploits. At that time I did not know what the application was, which I remember the application was using the address, well armed with port 55555 I searched on google, and apparently it is Metasploit Framework !.

That event inspired me to remember the past when it was still ngengrek seneng2nya and not 'contaminated' by DotA. Finally now I want to learn ngoprek again, tp more focus to exploitnya only. I will make this article into three parts. The first part about how one common way is done to hack a system. Here I am more focused to hacking Windows XP OS, because the OS is the most widely used people. The second part is more to the theory of exploit. But since it may be very difficult to understand (I myself can not create exploits myself), I just write the translation that discusses what it is and how exploit works. While the last part is a practice how to treat penetration test using metasploit in Windows XP.

Section 1

  • This is an old article about one of the common ways of hacking. (this article jg in mirror by Negative a.k.a Jim Geovedi here). The steps below are the 'standard' way, hacking actually does not have to always match this 'standard'.

Hacking for beginners
This article is for beginners, and is composed by beginners. Written for knowledge only. For temen2 who already expert, sok aja skipped, but also read gpp ....
What exactly is hacking? klo according to my understanding, hacking is ngoprek. Yup, hacking is ngoprek, learn something with curiosity (high curiosity), ngutak especial something, 'ngudek-ngudek' to 'jeroannya'. What's up? yes it is up to ... can be computer, car, motorcycle, engine. But the problem is there are guns hackers cars, motor hackers, or aircraft hackers ?? hehe ... Although the current hacking is synonymous with 'collapse-breaking', but I do not agree klo cuman bobol server people doang !. Some say 'Hacking is Art', then where the art is dong? Want to know the definition of hacking actually, try reading the previous article (How to Become A Hacker). There it was pointed out that hackers are concerned with technical proficiency as well as the passion of solving problems and overcoming limitations. Examples of hackers at this time that is often called is Linus Torvald (tau guns that you created Linux). Is he a bustle? not necessarily ...
In this article, I want to share my experience on Hacking, although until now I have never hacked into people's servers. One way to try Hack simulation is H3cky0uRs3lf! Create our computer as a server (as well as learn server configuration) then install the required program. For example klo mo Web Hacking, try install Apache or IIS. Or we adjust with the exploit that we have dapet. But better install Linux or FreeBSD first in personal computer, then configuration as a server, then simulate Hack, after that new Hack Betulan ... Moreover klo in boarding there is network.
Pros and Cons Hacking


Counter Ethics Hacking All information is free If all information is free, then no ladi privacy Security Intrusion aspect is an illustration of system weakness No need to be a thief to show unlocked doors Idle Machines Hacking only on idle machines idle machines belongs to whom? science education only breaking but not destroying "wannabe hackers" is potentially very big to damage Okeh, now it's time to take action ...

  1. Preparation Phase
    ~ Collect as much information as possible
  • Active: - portscanning
  • network mapping
  • OS Detection
  • application fingerprinting
    All that can be done using an additional toolz like nmap or netcat
  • Passively: - mailing-list (jasakom, newbie_hacker, hackelink, etc.)
  • via internet registries (domain information, IP address)
  • Website that became terget
  1. Execution Phase
    ~ After getting the information, usually will get information about the OS used, as well as open ports with daemons that are running. Next look for information on vulnerability holes and use exploit (packetstromsecurity.org, milw0rm, bugtraq mailing list, or search via #IRC).
    ~ Exploit Vulnerability Holes
  • compile
    $ gcc -o exploit exploit.c
    $ ./exploit

hostname (# sign gets root access)

remote host -> $ gcc -o exploit exploit.c
$ ./exploit -t www.target.com

(lucky get root root)

~ Brute Force

  • Repeatedly perform authentication experiments.
  • guessing username and password.
  • Cracking password files
    ~ Social Engineering
  • Empower the user to tell Username and password
  • Essentially ngibulin user ....
  1. Phase After Execution
    ~ Installs backdoor, trojans, and rootkits
    ~ Removes traces by modifying the log files so as not to suspect the admin
    ~ Copy / etc / passwd or / etc / shadow / passwd
    Well, essentially seh how to get into someone's server like the above phase. Search for information, find exploits, and leave the backdoor. Just the problem hacking is not as easy as the above ways. That is just a theory, many things to watch out for if you want to hacking hack into someone's server. Never try hacking into people's servers without paying attention to anonymity (let alone connecting via a personal computer without using a proxy). Ntar klo caught can be bothered. My suggestion, try on localhost machine first (private commuter), klo connect to better LAN. Provide a server that is specially crafted. Even if not connected to the network, we can still use Virtual Machine using VMWare as will be discussed in part 3!
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