How to protect your smartphone from being hacked in a few easy steps


Because of the expansion of mobile technology, more advanced and reckless hackers than those ones of a few decades ago, are ever more finding fertile ground in the billions of devices around the globe. We are talking about an irresistible urge by any hackers, actually a course of action that is gradually dragging down many companies, banks, as well as private users who make use of mobile communication systems, as reported in the Clusit report 2018. Thus let’s see how to protect yourself from those unscrupulous individuals, by putting in place some small (and big) tricks that will turn your smartphone into a hacker-proof system.Well, assuming that smartphones which come out of the factory are not equipped with adequate security systems and that safety passes principally through the conscious use of them, you must absolutely follow these basic steps:

1. Set a physical password to access your device

All too often we forget that a physical passcode may considerably help the user to protect himself from hacking because that kind of operation can immediately make mobile data inaccessible. Especially to those bad guys who physically get hold of your smartphone, for example in case of theft or loss. Most likely a cyber criminal will not be cowed by a string code, but you will still make things a little less comfortable for him. Not to mention the fact that you can always erase your data remotely by adopting a deletion tool i.e. that one provided by Google, Cerberus or other similar platforms. The use of a strong alphanumeric password or more complex systems such as fingerprints, facial recognition software etc., should be in any case a must for securing your mobile phone.

2. Install a good antivirus and update it periodically

On the market there are very valuable antivirus for mobile devices that allow a real time scan of phone in order to detect trojans or malware which can easily grant access to your smartphone. Even more so if you have the bad habit of clicking on any link displayed. In this case, a good antivirus software can keep you safe from such fraudulent activities.

3. Check your app permissions

The best thing to do is to always check the origin of the apps to install on your device, by downloading only ones that you trust from Google Play or Apple Store. As well as to set permissions to your downloaded apps in order to prevent any external access to the most sensitive areas of your smartphone.

4. Use encrypted smartphones for even more effective protection

Finally, for those most security-conscious persons, it is recommended to buy with eyes closed a smartphone equipped with native anti-hacker protection and data encryption tools, such as the Zimmermann smartphone showed on this page, fitted with:

- Certifications and encryption: FIPS 140–2 Cert. #2465, AES-256/Two Fish, SHA-384/Skein, ECDHE/Bernstein Curve
- Secure Android-based OS 
- ZRTP/SRTP/ZINA key exchange protocol
- SIM unlocked
- Encryption of calls, files, messages 
- Operating system virtualization
- Data and photo auto-wipe/burn 
- Encrypted video call
- VOIP calls
- Safe from malware, virus, sniffing, leackage ecc. 
- Immune from Man-in-The-Middle attacks
- Instant messaging protection
- Control managing server 
- Two types of call: encrypted or normal 
- WiFI protection via VPN 
- Network vulnerabilities scanning
- Attempted intrusion alerts

It should not need to be pointed out that this latter solution is the only one effective to secure your mobile phone, not only because you will put aside any security problems once and for all, but also because from now on you will be easily able to set up and use an incredible all-in-one defense tool. 

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