Biting my nails - a bad habit... so hard to quit

Hey there people... sometimes I have something very interesting to write about, but today I just feel like writing about an annoying habit that I have and that I have had my entire life. I am biting my nails! It is quite disgusting, and I do not like it when I see other people biting their nails. But then, it probably doesn't look any better when I keep biting my own nails.

One thing is the fact that people might see me with my fingers in my mouth biting the nails. Then you have a group of people who actually look at the nails of the people they meet, and when you see someone with nails like mine, it probably doesn't give a very brilliant first impression.

So, what can I do about this?

biting nails.png

I have often managed to stop biting nails for a couple of weeks, and in that time, they look really nice and grow a lot. But, then I often just end up with a finger near my mouth, and suddenly, I have been biting a little part of a nail. And what is more annoying than seeing that half a nail is larger than the other? Some shart edges remain, and of course, you need to get rid of those as well. Before you know anything, not only one nail is shorter, but often 4-5 nails.

So, here I am. Where did I get the idea for this article? While biting my nails, of course.

What can I do about it? I guess it will be a struggle that will last for a long time. I guess I could add something really smelly to my mails which would make them taste disgusting whenever they got near my mouth? Or I could use some nail paint which once again would make them taste very bad, but at the same time look normal?

I don't know.

Anyone else out there biting their nails? How do you cope with it?

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