Global Universal System - Part 2 Introduction

A “basic income” is a general income unconditionally granted to all, without any means test or requirement to work. It is an individual entitlement with no strings attached.

In GUS there will be means test and requirement to work as broadly defined if required subject to different environment. The time to waste on productivity or feeding the lazy arguments can be countered with a meritocracy policies to convince the mass public. There is no country in the world that is 100% without laws, regulations or policies. Any sane man want to argue that its an infringement of 100% freedom and human rights will be out of mind. Every place need a governing body to set the rules for peaceful social interaction in peaceful manners and therefore the unconditional UBI always in discussion is really only for dreamers that believe all human being are born good, will work productively by self and will never cause harm or take advantage of another beings. The facts and figures on crime rate despite what our current system created is proof to counter this or individuals can be easily identified in any part of the communities to be unproductive as defined.

Meritocracy will be replacing unconditional under GUS as more effective and convincing system.

As for the 'universal' definition, as long as the biggest membership organization UN representing the majority country is unable to come up with an UBI globally for all from birth equally, its only fake universal that treat people unequally from different regions or countries as they deem fit to solve the domestic overblown social budget at hand only. Either excuse to raise tax as major source of funding UBI or as means to reduce minimum wages/ salaries ceiling that will benefit corporations further. Refer to for my concept of UBI, but not on the unconditional definition.

The UBI should be changed to domestic or local basic income instead as it only address a country basic income, not globally. No organization yet to discuss how a higher UBI in one country higher /lower over another really address the issue of equality from birth. Therefore GUS will calculate UBI for everyone alive from birth and set a basic living standard that guarantee shelter, food and education foremost.

GUS will start off as fully 100% users registered owned in future of any corporations or organizations it may need to create and be 100% open for accountable and transparent as possible for public scrutiny. The objective to set benchmark policies and rules over current world standard in place will be an ongoing drive. Democratic voting over secured blockchain platform eg or will be in place to govern the system running in proper best available structures. There will not be hidden operations under the clauses of confidentiality, trade secrets or legal loopholes to make extra profit for any individuals or partners.

  1. The project will look at 3 components: People, Government, Business employed/self-employed. It can be created under a single platform which is big enough or on different ones if the features face restrictions. The aim is not to create a new technology but to take note of the best/ available ones which are free, licensed or purchased at low cost to be fused into the whole system. Focus on 100% (as definable) transparency, accountability and build on a credible reputation in which the whole system of operation is verifiable and certified based on which ever highest standard eg ISOs available and improve on it. We are looking to solve the main issues in poverty, income inequality, public safety, climate and sustainable environment, crime rates, unemployment, resource management etc in all countries. We will look forward to create a society of equal life opportunities from birth in any part of the world. Bringing poverty and all other inequality to the same standards anywhere in the shortest time projected. (concept based on

  2. Everything in this world can be faked and misuse for crimes. Protection of individual privacy is one of the greatest excuse that had been created to keep everyone isolated and even more prone to harm as proven by the huge stolen datas that IT will never catch up with the hackers. The level of sophistication in the crimes that can be imagined are so creative that there is no regulations that are enticed into laws fast enough to keep pace. 100% freedom and human rights are impossible and therefore we need to gauge and monitor all aspect of the society using facts and statistics from the people directly instead of through government bodies or NGOs. Then proceed to create all scenarios of feasible, possible solutions as options that can gain traction for the different environment to which people can choose to implement, on personal, work or government issues. All revolutions, riots and protest are started by most people of logical and rational reasoning ability to address the unjust and unfair treatment or environment they are in. These events means that our system of governments are not up living up to expectations to really help us fight the big corporations or serve required justice. Therefore we should use every scientific and morally right means to justify every action in a democratic way as possible that logically our IT today should and yet underutilized due to implementation red tapes.

  3. The main features of google docs, watapps/wechat, facebook, survey monkey, ERPs,CRMs, POS, Fedex parcel tracking, GPS, dashboard, KPIs, MMORPG game format(eg second life), E-wallets, Singpass system (form of secured login method), biometric, online banking, smartphone app module, cloud database, IOTs, online camera monitoring, youtube, alibaba etc are what I look to create on this single platform or design separately but linkable. Exclude all high definition graphic or visual aspect as they are not required. The common database will also act as alternate channel to obtain national statistic where in the today world that current government is unable to provide accurately. For all the available technology, OS, software that already exist, the initial stage will focus on identifying them in all areas and setup the database that can manage all the data which will be used to explore the advantages. In the design of the platform, we just need to focus on being the 2nd best as much as possible while the actual product that is already out there could still be used as a supplement if required. Feasible new features better than the actual is bonus. Source code will be open, free and for public to develop further.

4.The aspect of crisis management will be deeply shaped into our system that we will go forward as a whole that can influence the decisions making already being in place in real world by countries or governing bodies, directly. Once funding stabilized then we look at providing stable income for all involved in a merit based system according to measured contribution against market rate. eg using upwork where work done for IT can be saved and time spend indicated with monitor recording)

  1. Never create what you can’t control is the principal and the approach that our audience will be all living 7B people currently on Earth. We can have $358B of donations in donations in 2014 in USA alone and yet how many name of the beneficiaries do we actually know? We strive to provide all these details down to the cents of how we will do things differently and set new standards for others to follow instead. The target we want to serve will be the lowest income of each country. The initial target will be half the population in any country and based on our main concept of transparency, accountability, credibility set always a level higher than current official standards anywhere. Marketing will be based on giving free credit like the gaming industry, setting a scale over a person lifetime to define different stages and level to create and maintain interest. Initial funding will be from the charity community where we will have online instant figure to provide to the public on the income and expense in what we do, where no one had done before. An online website where we not only show accounts, but also every actual details in operations down strictest code of conduct from suppliers possible.

  2. Due to the scale of the project, different stages for different country will be set 1-10 and resources (human, fund) will set assigned by priority ranking. Any qualified person can come into this project at different part/stage and contribute accordingly (full time, part time, volunteer basis) Currently I will only list the 1st stage as I can only do that much alone without any assistance available to put the project onto the implementation stage. But I believe it’s still possible to start off with current technology and connectivity of internet to the mass public if done correctly. My idea currently is to spread this concept/vehicle of my ideology as wide as possible for people to either start off on their own or partner/sponsor me. I believe me as the driver will be the main difference to the extent this goal can be reach and I don’t mind other to reach the destination before me for the better of mankind. Therefore open source, crowdsourcing, transparency and accountability is my main emphasis. The existence of all different charities and NGOs but with similar purpose show there is always a niche I can create differently. A man alone will not achieve much and I seek all same minded people from all corners to assist me in all aspect that they can see themselves in this project.

This is a project in which the primary objective is to identify every human on Earth from birth. Reasons as below:
no matter how far our technology advance, we are no able to know how many people on Earth at this moment alive, gonna to die soon or coming in how many days into birth. That is why the drain on every single dollar of donation is called for will never be solutions to end poverty where no one can provide stats to whom they helped and how much or what. Mostly a general description and pictures or video to keep the money coming in.
When we left basic available unused or not utilized properly in the beginning stage, then how are we the benefits are gonna be equally and fairly distributed among us.
When we can account and identify for everyone (eg by birth cert, Identity card ,DNA, fingerprint etc) then we can give them the required help and rights that we advocate so strongly efficiently with more accountability.
There are many charities, foundations and NGOs already in place but none can 99.99%(the Sentinelese is only race I wish to leave out for they are living happily 100% alone and their level of carbon emission, pollution caused, sustainability etc are not a concern but a good example of living off the grid that we should follow, under our civilized living standards ) simply know how to identify every living human beings they are being founded in first place. We are still living in a world governed ineffectively and economy are mainly run by big corporations we can do nothing the way they wish to profit only certain individuals.
In this internet age, I hope that soon we can come out with a complete system like WWW as a platform to access every information and also identify,categorized, grade and review everything that is already in the market or soon to be. Then in a systematically and progressive way like MMORPG game model that a certain path can be laid out clearly of their current status, like a dashboard of yr qualification, financial, social connections etc) and indicate options available to improve in future. (eg to assist building system)
As I only know the existence of most IT technologies and their features, but I 'm not tech savy enough to manage thing like website, blog, setting community in media FB, start crowdfund/source events etc. Therefore I would like to have IT professionals at this stage to volunteer setting up the right channels in the IT community to get things done. I understand that all will have their commitment to different kind of task/project on hand but for sure these will also have its' place in the GUS I intend to work out.
We know that the influence of internet can help to elect presidents, overthrow governments through media, but the existence of violence protest, riots, revolutions in blood should also reduced with better integration of IT in the when we need IT to govern our life. Poll, survey, petition are in progress everyday but they lack the speed to create new milestones to effectively change the laws, policies, regulations in time.
Those that are willing to sacrifice their knowledge, time, resources will have their effort recorded and rewarded in future. The few examples I list now should be motivation that any charity/NGO is started in first place but totally differently from them in my way.
We can create a place for anyone on earth that from birth they are guarantee to get basic necessities in food,shelter, medical, education, till their legal age.
Anyone can vote to execute events that affect other life through democratic process regardless of current boundary. eg war, acceptance of GMO, set limit of production on vehicles/ poultry which pollute and reduce with target, full disclosure of risk of new services/products that we only see the benefits corporations sell but never the mass negative consequence that are set to be monitored (just look at the timeline that risk of cars, new medicine, chemicals, or even ham and bacon, tobacco,oil spills, nuclear leaks etc take to be regulated/banned after they are commercialized and profited before being controlled/banned).

Our model of economy will never have enough jobs to keep everyone happy but with concept of universal income monthly (example regardless of employment status to keep one sufficient to live/ work in acceptable conditions of their interest.(food, shelter guaranteed). People of higher qualification will get additional and all those in niche industry won;t end up doing minimum pay wages or jobless in worst situation.
No job interview as you can choose any place to work and progress by merit equally.

Everyone will get more time to learn skills required/interested rather than only when in profession. eg. no policeman required if there is no crime but there could be citizen are certified and trained living as normal citizen to be group when necessary to fight crime.
A place for everyone in a tightly controlled world with common sense, moral, code of conduct drawn clearly and managed with facts and statistics and even for the out of mind or extremists on Earth. But with education of the population reach a higher level and standards, we can truly have countries or continents where people are totally free from laws and governments rules and can still be peaceful and happy. Measures only taken when necessary and readily available.
But the system should have end objective of one day there is no laws and regulations required that we are able to live in total freedom peacefully and only use the system when crimes rise again.

Stage 1:

  •      Get professional editor to format my write up into proper format.
        Identify available platform, software 1 year +
  •      Recruit volunteers and like-minded people to form a team of 100s of all fields to brainstorm and improvise
  •      Create website to obtain donations, choose a forum to create an interactive open source community that work specific for this project
  •      Source of funding is open as long it does not affect the overall direction of the project.

From here onwards are the unedited write up covering most of the topics in greater details. Please bear with the mess in reading and try to get the whole idea instead. I had bulleted most for you to refer to in case you have questions and need making reference.

  1. Features/Objectives required:
    P=people level, B=business/work level G=government level
  •      B-Focus on profit optimization which funds are channeled into solutions for full employment, closing unequal income gap and increase minimum wages etc.
  •      GB-Using only supplier which meet environmental friendly practices/our standards and follow certain code of conduct if required.
  •      B-A fixed ratio of top and bottom salary structure
  •      GB-Universal accounting standard, industrial standard
  •      GB-Company profit will assign a certain % to employ any unemployed.
  •      PB-Create loyalty program and software where every customer and employee can join in and given points for spending on business that are either accredited by us or under our affiliated group of companies.
  •      P-Anyone donating/using/spending a dollar/any amount to the organization under the system will consider them owing a part. Contribution recorded and display to public.
  •      Starting from agriculture and manufacturing where most poor people are being exploited working for lowest wages and issues of illegally pesticide, GMO, working condition, etc are always well undermined by the regulations not controlled by government, intentionally.
  •      Promote eg hemp agriculture to form full chain of growers, manufacturers and consumer.
  •      Demand based pricing where business can remain profitable and same time put additional profit into R&D, creating jobs for the unemployed and training.
  •      The market to create out of 1 billion people of the lowest income, educate, train and set up stages for them to move out of poverty progressively will ensure their loyalty and commitment to not only create green products, but also have confidence in a system that have their support politically required and managed by people of highest professionalism,integrity n moral standards. Its definitely the most viable and rewarding now to target the poor who can set the highest growth rate % by increasing their income and it can be done much easier using available technology. Eg The % of growth for a person earning 100 a month to 1000 is 10 time compare to 1000 to 1500 in developed countries which will take much longer time. Therefore the industry we select to go into are not for the cheap labor but to employ them at a premium rate, give benefit of universal income and educate them for higher pay and living standard in reasonable period of time. This will create a benchmark for wage which other companies will have no choice but to follow in order to keep their pool of labor. Waiting for govt or union intervention is always too slow and messy. 

8.Human connectivity and interaction in this century creates the most wealth. Synergy among the free contributors who really wish to create a legacy in their own area of expertise will ensure that they get their due rewards in self-satisfaction and recognition. Instead of having governments wasting resources on warfare, religious difference, piracy, patents, corruptions, natural disasters or riots etc, we should focus on implementing the common solutions available.

  •    8.1.listing of all useful websites for consumer and business of the registrants used or recommended. Regular update on the ranking of Top websites with reviews and ratings of their services and products. We do not necessary need to create the their system to merge into ours but sometime quick link to them will be sufficient.
  •    8.2 Grouping of professional in different trade/industry/qualification in the world, not by region or countries.

In this world where many have graduate with different levels of education with specialization in their field of interest. But how many scientist, engineer, etc in each field are there, in any country, globally now? We need to bring all intellectuals in each of their field together to form a bigger voice over govt decision which most of the time now do not represent the majority even in their own fields. (9/11 case of engineers even if group together are unable to push govt to be better and why developing/ third world countries which are already not so democratic need go through the slow development process to even reach the unsatisfactory level even in USA.)

  •    8.3 easy and fast statistic and review for product and services(esp those providing professional services like lawyer,doctor, hairdresser, teacher, handyman, etc. Transaction listing can also be added by customers for added credibility.
  •    8.4 perform due diligence check on individual be it for business or social.
  •    8.5 Consolidate views, ideas, reviews on published media.
  •    8.6 Consultancy services provider or easy reference for foreigner
  •    8.7 whatever services that are being provided on www currently will be listed n linked n those unavailable, we look forward to creating.
  •    8.8 Act as intermediary for consumer or b2b. Although eg FB or Alibaba do also have some sort of verification procedure, but its not stringent enough. Basic details like company registration, Licensed by which authorities, regulated by, owner particulars/particular of person doing sales, are not displayed on website as requirements and required own due diligence to check and confirm.
  •    8.9 A platform where everyone will find own need to involved in. Evolving n improving daily. The stages are all set and open for them to develop freely in area of their interests/work/family. 
  •    8.10 In community or social setting, for eg. every 10 individuals, there will be one leader. Be it among family or friends or company. Closer definition of relationship not only for better social interaction, but improve the moral being of individuals. U always know who to look for when one make a mistakes. Grouping for organizing n send invitation for activities like wedding, funeral, parties etc
  •    8.11 Act as a platform for government agencies to improve. Till now no government publish monthly statistic on crime for the public to know. Any case lodge should be classified and able to track progress like a DHL parcel and know its conclusion. For court case after judgement passed, public should be able to rate. Especially the rating and work done by each public servants.
  •    8.12 All procurement should be done with open tender bidding system eg
  1. With the advance of IT we are pamper with too many unique features currently available but differ slightly due to different region, language or the programming platform used. Eg for communication we have skype, msn, watsapp, wechat,viber, tako etc. The range of telecommunication companies, banks, manufacturers, and even governments etc all are wasting precious resource and manpower doing duplicate products or providing services according to profitability rather than needs. Different politic, culture, religions, race are creating more problems by those using them as tools to further own agenda for more money, fame or power. We should try to bring balance to all these issues peacefully without harming anyone. Just like we never argue for only the existence of either only man or woman on earth, (thou some species which I read like the amazon ants have evolved to only female species only). Issues on war, climate control-global warming, pollution, poverty-food and water, human rights-family, religion, freedom are creating more problems than solution. Add law and crimes to the equation and we have a complex question that anyone single person on earth can never solve. The civilization of human race have to move to the next stage where developed countries have to be downgraded to being ‘third world’ and set even higher standards. Since the invention of internet where information can now flow freely across borders, there really isn’t much reasons that should stop the development of a better Earth despite the damage we had already done. The structure that government or MNC are established should also evolved dramatically where more common sharing of technology or systems of governance should be merged at a pace that can solve all basics problems. Capitalism can create top 500 forbes companies but yet the mass resource in term of wealth and pool of talents resource are never distributed evenly to provide many basics to the rest of the population. AI will need to be more used in assisting us create this system and solving complex problems.

  2. The organization will be non- profitable accepting only donations and synchronizing the efforts of volunteers or participating NGO or foundations. The usage of fund collected will be published in website for transparency and accountability on a monthly basis. A fair structure of compensation will be created to ensure that no employee will be deprive of a minimum wages working for us and management will not be paid excessively or be able to profit from the huge success of the organization. For all different NGO or charities which are already established, we will invite and build partnership with them and bring contribution in term of expertise in their area of interest with funding or research to build further growth. (listing of top all NGO, charities, associations, communities or other groups)
    Professionals or experts from all fields will be gathered or around the world be give their free views, suggestions, and solutions to every main problems. Merger of NGOs and charities should be encourage to provide larger coverage and synergy in term of have more means to put political pressure to MNCs and governments. But the resistance of many of them if requested to merge will seriously put to questions their credibility and motives. Once a higher standard of transparent and accountable system of working is created, those that not able to follow will slowly be identified and phrased out. (Its like goal line technology is available but on the slowest pace possible in implementation, MH370 case can be prevented with newer technology but also not done on ground of unacceptable reasons.

  3. We strive to improve the living standard of everyone on earth from birth on a common ground and those currently at different stage of their life. By providing cheaper access to the current latest technology and standardize common procedures where individual and business can focus more resources in research or improving core business instead of wasting time and money on IT issues. We can easily google for any information on the net but there are too many reviews sites and some on same topic according to country/region only. Software to verify or certify documents issued by government bodies or issuing authorities. (Pdf format)

12 Personal verification by person (family members, friends, classmate, work colleague, etc) Can also breakdown to different occupation, interest, hobbies, sports etc classification. A detailed family tree, and defining working/friends relationship. (During funeral then will u know how much u actually knows about your distant relative real name, even the close one, in first time meeting gathering, how troublesome is it to ask the basic infos that we will need to try obtain through all sort of channels if we are to establish a closer relationship)
Security of data in the initial stage will be of low priority since we want everyone to be as transparent as possible and there is no 100% way to prevent hacking n the misuse of personal data that are already happening by all companies selling you out one way or another for marketing purposes with unwanted ads. Methods on how to save important details like banking info will be given and options will be provided to set password for other details. Since we are not for profit, therefore we won’t sell your info other than providing them other than on yr authorized approval. Database will be saved in individual cloud server and extracted when required for voting or poll purpose only. Of course different level of security can be assigned to certain information of higher importance and certain purchase/selling of info/functions can be done at later more complex stages.

  1. People-Personal Info
    Till today the national census for each country still differ a lot in term of accuracy. Many in third world might still be without a basic identity card, birth certificate or lost them without replacement while being trafficked. Using fingerprint and DNA profiling (from birth) will help reduce significantly child trafficking, illegal slavery or forced prostitution etc. there will be higher chance of finding lost relatives and identity related new family members. If despite the advancement of technology we can’t account for every human beings on earth, how are we supposed to find better solutions. Same goes for how much physical money are there in circulation or in banks? These figure should be as up to date and responsive enough like the stock exchange and not compiled only yearly by period. Every person legacy will not be limited by how successful they are but even normal people to their offspring can provide much more info about what their parents or ancestors did or contribution to the world with actual figures/statistics.

13.1 Birth certificate: By Hospital and doctor (In developed country we always assume that the service provider providing the personnel are qualified, licensed, regulated or certified by some government bodies or institution, But who are they exactly and you only want to know if problem arise)
13.2 Qualification: By education or training institutions (course name, teacher or trainer) Period, grade, Issued by (which staff) Awards, recommendation, reference etc
Work experience: By company –listing of responsibility, duties, authority, accomplishment, skills
Data storage in cloud servers, web based application, secured password encryption. Using smartphone as device to tie to individual. Mapping of each live person in range using GPS and provide basic info (Name, Sex, Occupation, ID, Address, purpose etc)
Setting for different level of access to the type of info required.
Police will have full access when required. Doctor access to medical history
Neighborhood security: Will know exactly the identity of your neighbor and the external visitors at any point of time and their purposes.
Platform to manage community issues and interactions. Improve communication and strengthen relationship with those living close to you. Distress call to get help. Review comment for contractor like electrician, gardeners, aircon technician, plumber, private tutor, car mechanic, household domestic work etc. Arrange regular gathering or events to build community spirit. Share common interest and hobbies. eg
Individual will be able to list all their information under one roof while our purpose is to create links to other platform and application be it Alibaba, FB, twitter, Instagram,tinder, uber, watsapp, etc. Opinions, reviews, poll surveys, will be collected and present to the public as and when required with credibility since all users are verified individuals.
Since everyone can be verified easily, all your contacts with first time stranger can be recorded for the services or goods they are providing. Can also serve as a source of employment to those unemployed or those needing part time income doing general work like making delivery, doing peak period jobs which most business could offer. Eg shopping on behalf of consumer with delivery or self-collect to save time of working class. Ever wonder if you ask your 20 year neighbor for his ID card now and he might not even willing to and yet copy of yr ID had to be given when you had a need to apply for loan to someone you don’t even know his details. We always gathers info of people around us by chance but never as basic requirement like who will first ask for parental DNA test of their parents on their 18 birthdays. Then we realized how much we don’t know we actually knew of the person next to us.

13.3 Any MMOG is the game concept that partially reflect the type of model which I will want to customize further without graphics and yet reflecting each person in the real world. Actual person in real world doing what he can further in a virtual world going by my rules. How can that effect the real world will depend on how many users joined in and what are the resources that will pour in to achieve that.

14 Work/Business
A package of suggested software, templates and system designed to take into account all aspect of a SME required and are link seamlessly for paperless operation based on ISO standards. Breaking down into different industries to serve their unique business model to minimize the cost in customization of software. Since we strive to provide all these using open source software as much as possible to lower cost in developing software on an individual basis, therefore we might not get to use the latest technology available but will be sure who to get it from. Setting a details survey template for current business to grade their softwares/applications used and know clearly which is the basic features that are FOC and which are the paid ones.

Especially for the each industry or government regulatory bodies, we need to know who are processing our transactions or contracts so that in event of issues raised we know the chain of command.

15 A credible channel in which people can verify their identity with just a PDF copy of ID or passport.

Objective: a interactive platform where individual can take responsibility for their online actions, where ideas are translated into action for REAL RESULTS !

A Reputation Index can be used to measure an individual’s influence in his area of expertise. Facebook and Twitter have too many fake accounts to make the number credible.

  •    15.1 Individual verifying each other continuously and stating relationship. Checks for company employing new employee, make new social friends, parents oversea children's network, police making investigation etc easier. Other than the top 1% of the world richest people, most common people don't really have anything to hide on their personal confidential details. Be it income, bank detail, credit card number, occupation, ID no. , they are currently being obtained illegally and sold to marketing agencies in one way or another, and when u are applying loans, these details are also being misused elsewhere without your knowledge. The main usage of these data are in the areas of interaction, polls, and verification. (
  •    15.2 As a big deterrent against fraud, u can request people to register themselves online with their smartphone or internet. Telemarketer, or vendors on the street, or salesman knocking on yr home selling u stuff, u can have record of who they really are n trace them down if any complaints is required.
  •    15.3 We can do much better put the status of a person(single/married), in what type of family structure, at which level and assign different weight in poll or vote of specific causes.

(To be continued in Part 2.1 Introduction)

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